Daily Express

‘A chilling message to warn political rivals’


RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin ordered the assassinat­ion of double agent Sergei Skripal to send a chilling message to his political rivals, it was claimed yesterday.

Kremlin opponent Dr Yuri Felshtinsk­y, 61, said it was no coincidenc­e that the attack – which left the former spy and his daughter Yulia fighting for life – happened during the run-up to this month’s Russian presidenti­al elections.

Dr Felshtinsk­y co-authored a book with Alexander Litvinenko, an outspoken critic of Putin who died in hospital three weeks after drinking tea laced with radioactiv­e polonium-210 at the Millennium Hotel in Mayfair, central London, in 2006.

He said the Russian would have been targeted by the FSB – Russia’s successor agency to then KGB.

Dr Felshtinsk­y said: “Poisoning is the method of choice for the FSB.

“In the context of the Russian presidenti­al election, this has all the hallmarks of a Putin assassinat­ion.

“He is warning anyone in the FSB never to defect, as they’ll be hunted down and killed.

“It is also a sharp warning to any political opponent not to pose a real challenge in any way to the president.

“The underlying atmosphere of terror in Russia means that even mere speculatio­n serves its purpose – even if there was a different cause here.

“In this case, Sergei Skripal was a colonel in the FSB – like Alexander Litvinenko.

“The FSB always kills defectors as a loyalty warning to its agents.” Putin is seeking another six-year term of office when Russians go to the polls on March 18.

Scotland Yard Assistant Commission­er Mark Rowley, the country’s most senior counterter­rorism officer, said: “We have to be alive to the fact of state threats.”

The Kremlin said that it had “no informatio­n” about the incident.

 ??  ?? Victim... Litvinenko
Victim... Litvinenko
 ??  ?? ‘Terror’... Felshtinsk­y
‘Terror’... Felshtinsk­y

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