Daily Express

Top Brussels aide hails ‘realistic’ PM

- By Macer Hall

HOPES of a Brexit deal were boosted last night when a senior Brussels negotiator praised Theresa May’s “realistic” plans.

Guy Verhofstad­t, the European Parliament’s spokesman in the departure negotiatio­ns, admitted being optimistic that the talks were on course to progress to detailed discussion­s about a future trade deal at the end of the month.

The MEP, who has previously been scathing of the British Government’s position, conceded that the Prime Minister’s speech in the City of London last week had helped ease tensions between the two sides.

He said yesterday after meetings in Downing Street with Mrs May, Brexit boss David Davis and other senior ministers: “I was pleased with the last speech by the Prime Minister – the realistic tone of her interventi­on.” He added that there was still significan­t work to do to thrash out a transition agreement in time for an EU summit this month.

He added: “I think it is possible that in the coming days and coming weeks we make progress on this, we can conclude on this.”

Mr Verhofstad­t claimed Britain would be better off staying in the EU’s single market and customs union.

He said: “If the UK stays very near to the rules of the European Union, that will be the best way forward for the British economy.”

EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier was yesterday warned by Democratic Unionist Party leader Arlene Foster in Brussels that the bloc’s suggestion Northern Ireland should stay in the EU’s customs union after Brexit was “unacceptab­le”.

 ??  ?? Guy Verhofstad­t in Downing Street yesterday with David Davis
Guy Verhofstad­t in Downing Street yesterday with David Davis

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