Daily Express

Transgende­r model quits

- By David Maddox

TRANSGENDE­R model Munroe Bergdorf quit as a Labour adviser yesterday following outrage over her claims that “all white people are racist”.

But she refused to apologise for comments she made in the past on social media which have been branded racist and homophobic, saying she “refuses to be painted as a villain”.

Ms Bergdorf was appointed by Labour shadow equalities minister Dawn Butler to advise on gender issues. But the move sparked outrage as her past track record emerged.

As a model she had previously been sacked by cosmetics company L’Oreal for her claim that “all white people are racist”.

She once referred to “a hairy lesbian”. She called suffragett­es who campaigned for the right to vote “white supremacis­ts”. And she said that gay Tories were “a special kind of **** head” while commenting “white people are socially conditione­d to be racist”.

Ms Bergdorf had attempted to see off the criticism by saying the comments had been made when she was 23 – she is now 31. She explained why she has now quit by saying: “I refuse to be used as a distractio­n.

“I wanted my appointmen­t to be something positive and exciting for the community, but instead it has turned into nasty tabloid fodder, blown out of all proportion.”

However black Tory MP Helen Grant said: “There really is no excuse for these abhorrent slurs and, fundamenta­lly, they damage the campaign to promote equality and diversity across public life.”

 ??  ?? Controvers­ial Munroe Bergdorf
Controvers­ial Munroe Bergdorf

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