Daily Express

Hidden charges eat up those Isa profits

- By Harvey Jones

AS SAVERS gear up for the final weeks of the Isa season, they are being urged to beware hidden charges that could swallow more than half of their investment profits.

Stocks and shares Isa investors face a blizzard of charges that may seem small, but roll up over the lifetime of your investment.

Although advisers are obliged to tell you their charges many still do not publish them on their websites.

Whether taking personal advice or buying through a DIY broker platform, check all the charges before handing over your hard-earned money. HIGH IMPACT Somebody who invested their full £20,000 Isa allowance in stocks and shares would have £26,765 after five years assuming annual growth of 5 per cent and no deductions, according to research by online financial adviser Evestor.co.uk.

This quickly shrinks when charges get to work. Some advisers charge initial fees of between 3 and 5 per cent, plus annual charges of as much as 2.20 per cent in some cases.

This would reduce your money to just £21,697, meaning you have paid a whopping £5,068 in total charges, dwarfing your £1,697 profit.

Evestor charges 0.51 per cent a year with no initial costs, which would leave you with £24,881, or £3,184 more.

Anthony Morrow, chief executive of Evestor, said some sites charge rip-off fees costing up to four times as much as cheaper rivals: “Despite repeated crackdowns savers are still falling victim to investment giants.” ADVICE PRICE How much you pay depends on the broker you use and level of service. The UK’s biggest wealth adviser, St James’s Place, sets initial charges of 5 per cent which will swallow £50 of every £1,000 you invest.

Other fees include charges of 0.5 per cent a year, underlying fund charges, which can top 1.5 per cent, plus transactio­n costs and dealing spreads. St James’s Place spokespers­on Roy Beale defended the array of charges saying they cover face-to-face “holistic financial planning advice” not just Isa tips. “You pay more for a personalis­ed service,” he added.

Chase de Vere charges an initial 3 per cent, plus 1 per cent annually, with hourly charges on top. Certified financial planner Patrick Connolly said: “We charge £250 an hour for face-to-face advice and £80 per hour for administra­tors.” HIDDEN COST Justin Modray, founder of Candid Financial Advice and a campaigner against high charges, said there is no consumer protection to curb fee levels: “City watchdog the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) leaves companies free to charge as much as they want.”

Competitio­n is the only thing keeping charges in check: “Most fund managers and advisers seem reluctant to compete on price.”

He called on the FCA to compel all advisers to clearly display charges on websites to make shopping around easier: “They should include examples in pounds and pence, at present almost none do.”

While almost no countries regulate charges, competitio­n in the US has driven down fees significan­tly, Modray added.

Damien Fahy, founder of personal finance website MoneyToThe­Masses.com, said new financial regulatory MIFID II rules were designed to expose hidden transactio­n fees, but they have been thwarted by complex adviser charging structures. Switching Isa platform takes too long, he added: “Your biggest enemy is inertia. The industry knows this and profits from it.”

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