Daily Express



MP Dominic Raab’s aide Rebecca Tott has been suspended from her job for advertisin­g herself on a “Sugar Daddy” website and charging £750 for “full undisputed access”. She’s allegedly flagged up the exciting possibilit­y of sex on the boss’s desk (perhaps that’s an optional extra). Sex on Dominic Raab’s desk? Hmm. I’m as interested in fetishisti­c erotica as the next person but I have to say that’s just not working for me. who helped set up the statue of Millicent Fawcett in Parliament Square, is always described as an “activist”, a job descriptio­n which I find mystifying and rather enviable. Does it pay well? Do you need qualificat­ions? Can I be an activist when I grow up?

IF ever you needed proof of the malign influence of the internet look no further than the sad case of little Alfie Evans, the terminally ill baby whose parents’ struggle with Alder Hey hospital over his treatment has become a global talking point. One of the prepostero­us pieces of fake news circulatin­g online was that the people at Alder Hey were going to kill Alfie with a lethal injection.

And of course many dim, gullible people believed it.

ELON MUSK, the Tesla billionair­e with a name like an anagram, has been giving some tips for success to his staff which include walking out of pointless meetings, avoiding large meetings altogether, ignoring company rules if they are obviously ridiculous, ending boring phone calls abruptly and not using corporate jargon. I’ve been doing this all my life. So why, pray, am I not a billionair­e?

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