Daily Express

These weasel MPs trying to foil Brexit


SUDDENLY, it has become absurdly simple. After months of blindly groping our way through the fog, it has lifted and we can at last see the bleeding obvious. God knows it has taken long enough. But finally we know what “Brexit means Brexit” actually means.

It means leaving the customs union. Why? Because staying inside it renders the referendum entirely meaningles­s. You can’t quit the EU – which is what the majority of UK citizens voted for – and stay in the customs union. It’s a contradict­ion in terms. Loitering inside the customs union – a kind of European closed shop – would mean Britain would have to abide by EU tariffs, be prevented from making trade deals with other global players such as Japan, America and China, and remain in the iron grip of the European Court.

That is NOT what people who ticked leave voted for. Actually, I voted remain. But if I’d done the opposite and I was now watching Remoaner MPs such as Anna Soubry trying to steal a referendum that my side had won, I’d be jumping up and down in unadultera­ted rage. Justifiabl­y. If Britain stays inside the customs union, which Soubry and her associates are manoeuvrin­g for, David Cameron might as well never have called a referendum in the first place.

The majority voted, uncomplica­tedly, to leave the customs union AND the European Court. The Remoaners are trying to keep us in both. That’s a straightfo­rward, barefaced denial of vox populi. An arrogant slap in the face of democracy that cannot and must not be allowed.

Mrs May: stand firm. Brexit means Brexit. Out means out.

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