Daily Express


- Chris Childe, Audiologis­t and Training Manager

Q Why do some people still think that there is a stigma attached to using hearing aids?

A Some people do not realise the advances in hearing aids made in recent decades or think – incorrectl­y – that hearing aids are only for old people, or that they make you look less able or attractive. But hearing aids are used by people of all ages and are so discreet that you often cannot tell they are being worn.

Q Have hearing aids changed much in the last 20 years?

A Think how much mobile phones have changed over the past 20 years. Technology of hearing aids has moved on, too. Hearing aids today have so many improvemen­ts compared to 20 years ago. The advent of digital signal processing in hearing aids has transforme­d devices’ ability to overcome all manner of hearing difficulti­es, even in really tough listening conditions. Today’s hearing aids are available in more fitting styles and colours, with most people now being able to use tiny hearing aids without any compromise in the quality of hearing improvemen­t.

Q Why should people have their hearing checked as often as their eyesight and teeth?

A Hearing tests should be as routine for all age groups as tests on eyesight and dental health – both to be reassured that no changes in hearing are occurring and to ensure that early action is taken if hearing is changing. Postponing hearing tests or ignoring a diagnosis can risk accelerate­d cognitive decline and less enjoyment from activities which help to keep us active and healthy.

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