Daily Express

Now ‘Jackpot’ is ready to hit back

- Hector

JACK LISOWSKI is ready to make the most of his big World Championsh­ip chance.

The 26-year-old from Gloucester known as ‘Jackpot’ faces the toughest match of his career against four-time world champion John Higgins today.

But the world No30 has already won a far bigger battle having been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma as a teenager.

That required 16 sessions of chemothera­py over eight months, and when it was over the lightning-fast player admits he put enjoying life ahead of the hours of practice.

But Lisowski, long tipped as a future world champion, has rededicate­d himself this season and enjoyed his best campaign since turning pro.

Ahead of his last-16 clash in Sheffield, Lisowski said: “After your chemothera­py, it is like the worst five-day hangover. I had it every Tuesday every two weeks for eight months.

“And by the end of the eight months you are pretty much a walking zombie, and I looked like garbage. It was horrible. I AT THE CRUCIBLE was only 16 and took the decision to be treated as an adult because I didn’t want to see little kids being that ill.

“You were in a room with 60, 70 and 80-year-olds and though I met some amazing people, it was a very confusing time.

“I still go for regular check-ups and it is still a factor in my life. I still think about it and it stays with you. You are more alert to things happening in your body.

“It was a very nasty thing to go through and it was behind me being lazy with my snooker for a few years. I was enjoying life and not willing to do what was required.

“I was doing what made me happy off the table, but my career was going downhill. But 10 years have passed since I was ill, and this year I have really got a grip.

“I knew I needed to sort my game out and I do love snooker and wanted to succeed at it.

“It had all affected me a lot more than I realised. So I have set new goals for my career, and I want to break through and win something now.”

Lisowski beat Higgins 6-2 in their most recent meeting earlier this month at the China Open in Beijing.

And since his only previous Crucible appearance five years ago the Teenage Cancer Trust ambassador has got married. He said: “I was a free spirit back then in 2013, and now I have got married and have some responsibi­lities. I am an adult instead of a little boy.

“I met Jamie in Las Vegas where she was working on an event. It was actually a blind date, Judd Trump had met someone and she brought her friend along.

“So he lost his wing-man, as we ended up getting together and I ended up marrying my blind date.

“Normally what happens in Vegas stays there – but not this time!

“She is from Seattle so we will go over there for a few weeks with her family after the World Championsh­ip, and that is an amazing city.

“But one of the biggest incentives to do well in this tournament is that I might be able to do more for the Teenage Cancer Trust and elevate awareness of what they do.

“It is an incredible organisati­on that does amazing work. While I was world No60 I wasn’t much help to them. It is obviously something that is really close to my heart.”

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