Daily Express

Yes, you really can have abs like Davina


WITH her sculpted abs and enviably toned midriff, TV’s Davina McCall is proof that you can have a six-pack at any age. The super-fit mum of three, who turned 50 last year, says she’s in the best condition of her life and credits daily workouts and clean eating with keeping her in shape.

What makes Davina’s figure even more remarkable is the fact that body sculpting becomes increasing­ly difficult after the age of 40.

This is when the metabolism slows down and hormonal changes kick in, making it harder to shift fat around the tummy.

On top of this, yo-yo dieting along with pregnancy and sun damage can reduce skin elasticity and tone.

Thankfully there are plenty of things you can do to trim, tone and tighten your midriff. A combinatio­n of smart eating and targeted core-strengthen­ing exercises are the most effective way to tone up while high-tech treatments in the clinic can banish any remaining bulges or loose skin. So get ready for summer with our guide on everything you need to know about shaping up your tummy.


Exercise is key to tightening and toning the midriff. A combinatio­n of fat-burning cardio exercise such as fast walking, dancing or swimming and core-strengthen­ing exercises will give the best results.

Don’t focus solely on crunches. They only tone one muscle group and are not good for the spine.

Instead include a range of full-body exercises such as squats as they help engage your core while working multiple muscle groups. Yoga and Pilates will also help strengthen and tone the body.

Try this easy core-strengthen­ing exercise at home. Sit at the edge of the sofa with your feet out and resting on the floor. Place your hands on your stomach. Relax your thighs and turn them slightly outward, then roll back until your mid back just touches the sofa. Pull in your abdomen and lift one or both feet off the floor. Pull in your tummy muscles as you exhale for a count of 10. Put your feet back on the floor and sit up. Repeat five times. If you are short of time, do the plank and hold it for 30 seconds. This exercise engages your entire core, helping work the muscles that tighten your midsection while also strengthen­ing your arms and legs at the same time.

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Each week our experts Dr AAMER KHAN and LESLEY REYNOLDS bring you the latest beauty news and anti-ageing advice
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