Daily Express

Rose feeling Poch’s wrath


Simon Felstein [SF] “Dharmesh, we’ve gone over that. Anything to do with Manchester United we’ve had 48 hours ago – the same conversati­ons. I’m not prepared, the manager’s answered, I’m not prepared to have another press conference dominated by it.”

DS: “It’s not being dominated by it. I have to ask the question.”

SF: “Your man was here on Tuesday and asked the same question, so I’m not prepared to have it again. I’ll ask you to move on.”

DS: “With respect, everybody is talking about this.”

SF: “With respect, I’d say move it on. We invite you here to preview a football match and you’re coming and asking the manager about another job.”

DS: “It works both ways though. Other occasions you’d say let’s not talk about the football match because you want to get something else out. It works both ways, surely.”

SF: “No, move it on please.”

DS: “Could I ask in that case, everything that’s happening at the moment, I just want to tell you what Les Read said…” [press officer cuts in again].

SF: “No, no, no. I’m sorry.” Pochettino then turns to Felstein, pats him on the arm and says, laughing: “You’re going to be the star of this press conference.” SF: “Move it on please Dharmesh.” DS: “What I’m saying is this is going to carry on for months Simon.” SF: “OK fine. Let people speculate. We’re not going to have our press conference dominated by it. There’s plenty else to talk about.”

“We’ve been talking about plenty else. I don’t understand. There’s a question that needs to be answered.”

“OK, can we have the cameras off for a second please?”

 ??  ?? BAD TIMES: But Rose has made up with his manager
BAD TIMES: But Rose has made up with his manager

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