Daily Express

Unflappabl­e Theresa May is not to be messed with


WE all have an opinion on Theresa May and I’ve overheard the following in my local coffee shop: “She doesn’t give up, does she?” (“May gives Tusk hell”, February 8).

I agree. Our Prime Minister is undeniably determined in her dealings with some intractabl­e Brussels Eurocrats. I suspect Donald Tusk underestim­ated her.

He was looking decidedly sheepish after a scathing, icy word from Mrs May after he pronounced there would be a “special place in hell” for Brexiteers.

All too frequently when in discussion­s with our PM, Tusk does not hide his impatience, especially when he pokes fun at Brexiteers.

Perhaps the Euro chief would be wise to at least lend a civil ear to our unflappabl­e PM. She is tougher than she looks and not a lady to tolerate the tasteless jibes of an overpaid, ill-mannered bore.

Mary Windsor, Mansfield, Notts

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