Daily Express

Have-a-go heroes defied danger of ‘suicide vest’ to tackle knife terrorist


IT IS invariably true that when the worst happens we see the best of human qualities come out, not least here in Britain. Throughout our long history this has been true. It was once known as the Blitz spirit in honour of those who endured the nightly bombings of the nation’s cities with heroism and fortitude.

That same grit and courage were on display yesterday when London Bridge, for the second time, became a target for what police have confirmed was a terrorist attack.

We saw it inevitably in the police who, as others fled, ran towards the danger. Putting duty and protection of others above all else as they do every day.

But we also saw it with the sheer bravery of the civilians who tackled an individual they believed at the time was wearing a suicide vest that could blow any time ending their lives with that of the terrorist.

Whether it was the man who ran across a busy road to tackle the knife-wielding thug or the one who had to be dragged away from holding the terrorist down so he could not harm any more people.

Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, was absolutely right to say those civilians were the best of us.

But it was not just the bravery on display but the way people came together in a crisis to help one another, pass round cups of tea, lock up cafe and pub doors to prevent a possible attacker coming in.

All these small acts of kindness and thoughtful­ness showed the British spirit to carry on and not be cowed is still very much alive and well.

We also cannot leave this comment without again putting a focus on the worst of human endeavour as well as the best.

The terrorist, now dead, represente­d a malevolent cowardice that has sadly poisoned this country for many years now.

Whatever the motives of this individual there is no excuse for spreading terror, killing and attacking innocent people. It is despicable and disgusting. Such ideologies of hate whether twisted religion or warped politics have no place in a civilised society.

If this was not just a lone attack, then we must hope that the security services, who have protected us from many more attempts, will be able to track down any others involved or those responsibl­e for radicalisa­tion.

But equally this is not a time to turn on others from different communitie­s. Division hands victory to the terrorists, it is what they want.

We must show the spirit of the people at London Bridge and come together because only in unity will we achieve victory over evil.

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