Daily Express

Cheese and pineapple back on buffet menu

- By Stian Alexander

SEVENTIES food is back in fashion as buffet classics like pineapple and cheese on cocktail sticks, prawn rings and cucumber sandwiches rocket in popularity.

According to a poll of 2,000, the staples of 50 years ago are becoming “hot favourites” again.

The study by KP Nuts found that 76 per cent of people had served up pineapple and cheese on sticks in the past year and 80 per cent had dished up prawn cocktails.

Among the 70s and 80s-style dishes those questioned had served up in the past year were quiche (87 per cent); coronation chicken (84 per cent); sausages on sticks (82 per cent); trifle (81 per cent); prawn cocktails (80 per cent); devilled eggs (79 per cent); prawn rings (79 per cent); vol-au-vents (78 per cent); cucumber sandwiches (77 per cent) and pineapple and cheese on cocktail sticks (76 per cent).

The study found that the top “modern” buffet foods being served up included hot and spicy barbecue wings and ribs, pork pies, smoked salmon, nuts, hummus, rare roast beef and sushi.

Asked about “buffet etiquette”, people said that sneezing and coughing over the spread was the most offensive, with 58 per cent saying it was a serious faux pas, closely followed by squabbling over the last item of food.

The study found that 77 per cent said they loved a buffet, but that guests should wait “at least five minutes” before tucking in.

Kevin McNair, of KP Snacks, said: “Our research shows that we still love a buffet and with the party season upon us we need to brush up on our buffet etiquette.”

Liz Brewer, a UK expert on social behaviour and etiquette, said: “It is often argued a buffet style party is a more casual affair, yet the research reveals that manners are still of utmost importance within this setting.

“My advice would be never to breathe or cough over the table, and do not scramble to be the first in line.”

 ??  ?? Cheese and pineapple is a favourite
Cheese and pineapple is a favourite

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