Daily Express

I feared for my life, says widow beaten by online new love

- By Laura Withers

A VULNERABLE widow who was punched and kicked by her abusive partner has spoken out in a bid to help other women trapped in toxic relationsh­ips.

Rosie Bradley, 49, said she was “lost and lonely” when Blair Crittenden messaged her on Facebook in March.

The 32-year-old got in touch to offer his condolence­s, five months after Rosie’s husband Nick, 48, died of a heart attack.

But within weeks Crittenden had moved in to Rosie’s home and started violently controllin­g every aspect of her life.

The mother-of-five now believes Crittenden – who was jailed for fourand-a-half years in November – saw her as “a target”.

“I was in a very low place after my husband died,” she said.

“It’s petrifying to think how things escalated in a few months from me meeting up with him for the first time to him controllin­g my life.

“I’ve been punched, pulled and kicked on so many occasions I can’t remember how often it happened.

“I wish I’d asked for help earlier but I was so ashamed of what I’d let him do to me, I’d become trapped.

“I feel lucky to have escaped the situation because there were times where I was fearing for my life.” Rosie first started chatting to Crittenden online before exchanging texts and talking on the phone.

Within a few days, the arranged to meet in person.

“I thought he was a nice man,” Rosie said. “He told me his mum had passed away a few years earlier so he knew what I was going through.

“He didn’t have a job and had been in trouble with the law, but he told me he wanted to turn his life around.”

Alarm bells soon started to ring, however, when Crittenden – who Rosie claims was prone to terrible mood swings – began pressuring her to meet him every day.

The former shop assistant, from Chatham, Kent, said: “If I didn’t, he’d sulk and make me feel bad. He’d text me things like, ‘I’ve got nobody in my life except you’.

“I’d tell him I had a family I needed to be with but I felt sorry for him.” pair had

Rosie admits that her children “didn’t like him at all” but by this point, the couple’s relationsh­ip had become romantic. Soon after, Crittenden moved in and announced he was engaged to Rosie on Facebook – despite it being a lie.

“I begged him to take it down because my kids might see it, but he wouldn’t,” Rosie said.

“By that point, I was scared of him so I just let him continue to say it.

My family stopped talking to me because I was still with Blair. They didn’t like the way he treated me, saying he could be dangerous, and hated the thought of him being in my flat, where their dad’s memories were.”

The relationsh­ip became increasing­ly violent but Crittenden’s reign of terror continued until he was arrested after holding Rosie hostage for two days.

He later pleaded guilty to kidnap, false imprisonme­nt, intimidati­on, criminal damage and harassment at Maidstone Crown Court. Crittenden also admitted controllin­g and coercive behaviour.

PC Alexander Bailey, of the Medway Vulnerabil­ity Investigat­ion Team, praised Rosie for her bravery.

She added: “Hopefully this will encourage victims of this type of behaviour to have the confidence to do the same.” people some food and water and to give up Christmas because I’d rather they got my presents and be happy.”

Proud Marsha Greening, 47, said: “Phoebe was crying and she was saying how she wanted to help them and give our food and everything we could to them.

“She didn’t want to have Christmas and she wants them to have her presents.

“She was asking me why Santa isn’t helping them because she thought he went to see everyone.

“Phoebe has got a heart of gold.”

The youngster has recruited school pals to help. “They thought it was a good idea,” she said.

“For now we are going to sell some of my things to raise money to donate – jumpers, coats and whatever else I can find.”

 ?? Pictures: TIM CLARKE ?? Thankful... Rosie today. Inset, with her controllin­g ex-partner, Blair Crittenden
Pictures: TIM CLARKE Thankful... Rosie today. Inset, with her controllin­g ex-partner, Blair Crittenden
 ??  ?? Injuries...bruises on Rosie’s arm
Injuries...bruises on Rosie’s arm
 ??  ?? Mocktails are popular
Mocktails are popular

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