Daily Express

Herd the one about the cows who ru-moo-nate about the weather?

- By Laura Sharman

COWS enjoy a chit-chat about subjects such as food and the weather, a ground-breaking study reveals.

Scientists believe they can decipher the animals’ language by listening to the different pitches of their moos.

The experiment shows how dairy cows respond to positive and negative situations, and gauges their mood based on their moo.

The researcher­s were able to tell when a cow expresses excitement, arousal, engagement or distress. The

University of Sydney team recorded hundreds of moos from 13 HolsteinFr­iesian heifer cows using acoustic analysis programmes.

Lead study author Alexandra Green said: “We found that cattle vocal individual­ity is relatively stable across different contexts. Recognisin­g individual cattle could assist farmers in the non-invasive detection of welfare.”

The findings could help farmers keep their cattle healthy and happy by understand­ing each cow’s mood by translatin­g their individual voices.

Cows are happy when talking about their food, but also moan about the weather, it was said. Alexandra’s supervisor, associate professor Cameron Clark, described the translatio­n model as “Google translate for cows”.

The study was published online by Nature Journal.

COWS can express excitement, arousal and distress with their moos, a study of their secret language has found. They can also make their views known about their food and weather. Perhaps the bovine interprete­rs might like to do the nation a service and decode the strange braying that fills the Commons during Prime Minister’s Questions?

 ??  ?? Dairy tales...farm cows like to chat to each other, it was claimed
Dairy tales...farm cows like to chat to each other, it was claimed

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