Daily Express

Is a secret EU army marching up on us?

This monster should be caged for life


THERE IS a case before the courts of a convicted killer who may be released early on the say-so of the Parole Board yet who refuses to reveal where he put the body of his young girl victim. The still-grieving family of the dead child is protesting at such clemency – and I wholly agree with them.

They cannot find the remains of their beloved daughter. They cannot give her a decent burial with a family service and the usual loving send-off. And all because the monster whose conviction for killing her is not even challenged refuses to say where she lies.

Why should the Parole Board show compassion to a man who clearly has not a shred of it?

The law should be clear on this – with a new Act if need be.

Refusing to bring mercy to the gutted family should mean the cell key stays in the lock – permanentl­y if the killer remains silent. Bringing relief to the family need not extend the sentence but continuing to inflict misery should.

FORGIVE me for banging on but something weird is being quietly prepared behind the arras. Have you ever heard of the EU External Action Service? No? Nor me until recently. It is a very covert body sheltered by the EU Council, another unelected body squatting in Brussels behind closed doors. Unlike the EU Commission [politics of total union and economies ditto] it is concerned with a European Defence Union – the unificatio­n of all the continent’s defence structures.

Anyway, it has just issued a 30-page document dedicated entirely to “Command and Control” which seems to predicate the transfer of all policies and decisions under these two titles to the EU Council. It looks (or am I just paranoid?) like a form of takeover of Nato and its roles.

Now, we all know that in 1946 it became plain that Uncle Joe Stalin was no cuddly bear but our sworn enemy. In 1949 Nato was formed to defend us from the more-andmore aggressive Soviet Union. That collapsed in 1991 but threats to our continent did not. So Nato has continued, now with a low-key but very real, aggressive­ness coming out of Russia, Islamist terror and cyber-warfare giving it fresh purpose.

Even within the rule framework of Nato, command and control of our army, navy, airforce, special forces [the world’s best] and intelligen­ce [all forms] remained with us. So what “transfer” is being prepared? By whom and to whom?

If this old codger is being paranoid, so is a raft of former defence chiefs with enough titles, gold braid and experience to sink a freighter. I hear they are meeting blank silence and closed doors where they used to be quietly briefed in privacy. More silence from our invisible Defence Secretary Ben Wallace who seems to be a piece of furniture parked somewhere in Whitehall. EDU’s most passionate advocate is now German President of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen who just visited London.

Did she brief BJ on her plans or has he too gone mute? We really do need an explanatio­n from someone we can trust. What is EDU, how advanced is it and why?

BROADMOOR, long the final home of the criminally insane, is earmarked for part closure. Its optimistic owners hope it can be sold for a huge sum and redevelope­d as a luxury hotel. Even if I survive that long, I shall not be staying there. Though having no truck with the supernatur­al, I fear I might not get a sound night’s sleep in a room where the most deranged monsters our country ever produced once prowled.

Something going bang in the night – say in the wee small hours with a storm outside – and I suspect I would be awake until dawn.

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