Daily Express

Let’s all look forward to an annus mirabilis!


PRINCE Harry and his American bride wish to step down from public life. An optimist to a fault, I somehow feel our old country will manage to survive such a small earthquake – more of a tremor really. The good news is that we have a Queen beyond praise and after her Prince Charles, then Prince William and then Prince George with (sorry, lad) Prince Louis as a spare. Enough in-line monarchs to last about 90 years.

Still, one’s sympathy must lie with HM. A long-devoted husband, her life partner and “rock”, now frail and virtually house-bound by age; a second son who has made a dog’s breakfast of things; and now this. But our head of state and her country have survived a lot worse than this. Elsewhere things are looking good as 2020 draws its first few breaths.

Our MPs have finally voted us out of the EU, our popular national decision taken 40 months ago, and the last whiners have seemingly decided to shut up and concur with the clear majority. Our economy is in good shape – if you don’t believe me, check out some of the others scattered across Europe!

As I hoped and predicted, some very major new trade deals are being quietly prepared behind closed doors, ready to emerge when the final, formal, departure takes place in just 14 days. A real Government with a commanding majority in the House is fully in charge and energised. The Marxist alternativ­e is a sea of rubble.

It’s an old-fashioned phrase but very clear. Up chaps and at ’em.

Raise a glass.

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