Daily Express




God of healing; son of Apollo by either Coronis or Arsinoe (9)

City that succeeded Samarkand as the capital of Uzbekistan in 1930 (8)

Chief fishing port of Denmark, on the North Sea in western Jutland (7)

Italian dessert of egg yolks whipped into a froth with sugar and marsala wine, typically served warm in a glass (10) Filamentou­s chlorophyt­e green alga of the order Zygnematal­es also known as mermaid’s tresses and blanket weed (9)

‘And the stern joy which warriors feel/In foemen worthy of their ___’ (Sir Walter Scott – The Lady of the Lake (1810)) (5) Ferdinand ___, 19th-century German botanist and biologist credited with founding the science of bacteriolo­gy (4)

Fish genus of the herring family (Clupeidae) to which the shad belongs (5)

Standard currency unit of Hungary, divided into 100 fillér (now defunct) (6)

First or given name in ancient Rome, as in the Gaius of Gaius Julius Caesar (9) Largest island country in the world, formerly (until 1949) known as the Dutch East Indies (9) 22 and 25 Down Four-term prime minister of India (1966-77 and 1980-4) assassinat­ed in office (6,6) Second-largest ethnic group in South Africa after the Zulus, mostly living in Eastern Cape province (5)

Twenty quires of paper, consisting of 500 (formerly 480) sheets (4)

Tenth letter of the Greek alphabet, derived from the Phoenician letter kaph (5) Fungal disease of cereal grasses, especially barley, in which powdery spore masses replace the grain head (5,4)

English dramatist whose works include Saved (1965) and Lear (1971) (6,4)

Wilhelm ___, German chemist noted for his pioneering work on catalysis; Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1909) (7)

Psalm 51 (50 in the Vulgate); from its first word, meaning ‘Have mercy’ in Latin (8) Slender insect of the suborder Zygoptera that folds its wings over its body when at rest (9)


1 1972 hit in the UK by US singer Don McLean that originated the phrase ‘The Day the Music Died’ (8,3)

2 Island of the south central Philippine­s lying east of Negros and west of Bohol (4) 3 Covered walkway consisting of a roof supported by regularly-spaced columns, typically attached to a building as a porch (7) 4 Straight-line conjunctio­n or opposition of three celestial bodies, e.g. the Sun, the Earth and the Moon (6)

5 Italian river on whose banks Rome is believed to have been founded in 753 BC (5) 6 Mediterran­ean plant whose aromatic greygreen leaves are used as a culinary herb; Salvia officinali­s (4)

7 Star of the 2019 political thriller film Seberg (7,7)

8 Capital of the Loire-Atlantique department of W France, situated at the head of the Loire estuary (6)

11 2006 action thriller film starring Samuel L. Jackson and Julianna Margulies (6,2,1,5) 14 Athenian legislator of the 7th century BC whose code of laws prescribed death for almost every offence (5)

16 Principal sacred texts of Zoroastria­nism, compiled in Persia during the Sasanian Empire (224–651) (6)

17 Faint southern constellat­ion lying between Cetus and Phoenix; the Furnace (6)

18 19 October 1987, on which a US stock market crash led to worldwide losses of more than 1.5 trillion US dollars (5,6)

20 Round cavity in the skull of a vertebrate in which the eyeball sits (5)

24 Diffusion of a solvent through a semipermea­ble membrane from a dilute to a more concentrat­ed solution until both are equal (7)

25 See 22 Across

26 Chief port of Israel, on the Mediterran­ean coast approx. 30 km (20 mi) south of Tel Aviv (6) 30 Pungent toxic gas formed from oxygen by electrical discharge or ultraviole­t light (5) 31 Axe-like tool with an arched blade set at right angles to the handle, used for cutting and shaping wood (4)

32 Young of various large mammals, including the camel, giraffe, whale etc. (4)

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