Daily Express

The sweet life is not for me


A HIDDEN and little-mentioned hazard of lockdown is the waistline. It expands if over-indulged. The only importer of sweetmeats at Chateau Fred is the CO who orders in biscuits, buns and cakes.

Personally, with a healthy two-meals-a-day appetite I don’t need them. That apart, one tries to keep in reasonable shape and so for me it is exercise.

So down to the gym? Not allowed. A small home gym? Nope. I run. Several times a day. Ah, I hear you, much impressed. Marathon? Half-marathon?

No, just to the bathroom. Let’s keep a sense of proportion. Is that a Hobnob I see before me?

PERSONALLY I have never really subscribed to unprovable theories about the afterlife, or lack of it. But if there is any such thing as reincarnat­ion I want to come back as a Jack Russell or even a moggie in the household of Sandy, the CO.

She dotes on the little brutes, constantly referring to them as her babies. Looking at the vet’s bills I could have put them all through public school.

The finest tidbits in the kitchen go into their four bowls as I scour the fridge for something I can “nuke” in the microwave.

The Tonkinese cat prowls the night, returning at dawn with some dead rodent as a trophy but actually feeds off delicacies as seen on TV.

The three dogs get a meadow walk twice a day. If they were religious, they would put their paws together and pray that lockdown goes on for ever.

THE GREAT strength of the USA as she battles to rescue her economy is that she no longer has to shell out many billions for imported oil. She is now energy sufficient, nay a net exporter.

The non-secret is that she has trillions of barrels of natural oil and gas beneath her feet which she has accessed by fracking. So do we – but it lies there untapped due to the silliest fetishes of “luvvie” thinking.

The days will be on us very soon when we have to rebuild our shattered economy and we will need all the money we can lay our hands on.

The £106billion earmarked for HS2 is one source. That ocean of natural oil and gas could save our country by removing from our shoulders the crucifying imported energy bill.

The hazards of a few tremors pale into insignific­ance.

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