Daily Express




1 Classical dancer (9)

7 Musical dramas (6)

9 Store of documents (7)

10 Finding _, animated film (4)

12 Concealed (3)

13 Ruler of an empire (7)

14 Author, _ Fleming (3)

15 Smile broadly (4)

17 Have the intended effect (3,4)

19 Showing great courage (6)

20 Ranch tent (anag.) (9)


1 Wave a weapon (8)

2 Unit of land area (4)

3 Resinous substance (3)

4 Type of seizure (9)

5 Echoing sound (abbr.) (6)

6 Lowest point (5)

8 Residue (8)

11 Choice (6)

13 Keen (5)

16 Prayer ending (4)

18 Reproducti­ve cells (3)

Solution tomorrow

 ??  ??

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