Daily Express

Regular meat eaters ‘at risk of serious illness’

- By John Ingham

EATING meat – including chicken – is linked to a range of serious illnesses, not only cancer and heart problems, researcher­s found.

Their study is the first to suggest a diet that regularly includes any meat could cause conditions including diabetes and pneumonia.

Even poultry – often seen as a healthier alternativ­e for carnivores – was associated with the insulin imbalance and digestive disorders.

People typically eating meat three times a week were deemed to be regular consumers.

Dr Keren Papier, who led the research at Oxford University, said: “We have long known unprocesse­d red meat and processed meat consumptio­n is likely to be carcinogen­ic. This research is the first to assess the risk of 25 non-cancerous health conditions in relation to meat intake in one study.

“Additional research is needed to evaluate whether the difference­s in risk we observed in relation to meat intake reflect causal relationsh­ips.”

The eating habits and health of 475,000 UK adults were assessed over an average of eight years.

The team found a high poultry diet created a greater risk of developing gastro-oesophagea­l reflux disease, gastritis and duodenitis, digestive disorders, gallbladde­r disease and diabetes.

The three-times-a-week meat eaters were also more likely to be overweight, smoke, drink and eat less fruit and vegetables.

The study said a diet high in unprocesse­d red meat and processed products like bacon and sausages – known as a risk for colorectal cancer – was linked to coronary heart disease, pneumonia, digestive disorders, colon polyps and diabetes.

The findings, published in BMC Medicine, come as a survey by food tech firm Spoon Guru found one in four adults are eating less meat and more fruit and vegetables for health and environmen­tal reasons.

The World Cancer Research Fund recommends three red meat portions a week at most, and advises eating processed meat rarely, if at all.

Winona Ryder, 49, and Zachary Quinto, 43, Star Trek

Winona Ryder may appear ageless, but it still stretched credulity when she appeared on screen next to Zachary Quinto as Spock in Star Trek as mother and son. Ryder was just six years older than him at the time and made the Star Trek reboot somewhat difficult to take seriously.

then there are the young, beautiful ingenues, and I do find that they start doing the botox and plastic surgery.”

But Estrin believes it is starting to change, especially as more women get behind the camera and into positions of power in Hollywood. “As women are finding their voices right now and becoming stronger and stronger, this is the exact sort of thing that they’re fighting against,” she added. “We’re in a really great time for women to be standing up and saying no to roles [that] don’t feel age-appropriat­e to them.”

But history shows that beauty and Oscar-winning talent are not enough to save actresses from the casting age gap.

Here we examine some other crazy mother and son pairings...

 ??  ?? Red alert...meat could make you very ill
Red alert...meat could make you very ill
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