Daily Express

Zip the tent back up Boris... No 10 has sprung a leak


SO, Dominic Cummings has denied being the source of the leaks of Boris’s private texts to businessma­n Sir James Dyson and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Cummings was reported to be bitter and angry at being ousted as the PM’s right-hand man after a No10 power struggle between him and the Vote Leave crowd and the PM’s fiancée and her gang.

Carrie loathed Cummings and it’s believed the feeling was mutual. So when Ms Symonds held her “Victory Party” after his sacking she clearly thought she’d won. Had she been smarter she’d have known men like Cummings don’t walk quietly away into the night.

Yesterday in his blog Cummings vehemently denied any part in the leaks.

Whatever the truth, the pair may be realising it’s better to have people like Cummings inside the tent peeing out rather than outside the tent peeing in.

NIGELLA has announced she’s decamping to Venice for a year now that the pandemic is over. “I long to be in Venice,” she says. “Just wandering about, having a different feeling and the market there is so wonderful.”

I don’t begrudge Nigella her mid-life sojourn but I wonder if the rich ever stop to think how fanciful and “up their bums” they sound to the rest of us who can’t up sticks and go live in one of the world’s most beautiful cities just because “the market is wonderful”?

WHAT I know about football can be written on the back of a fag packet. However, what I saw this week was a bunch of greedy, snout-in-the-trough club bosses who don’t give a toss about the “beautiful game” having to grovel to fans for trying to set up a Super League.

It gladdened my heart to see fans kick back and the Big Six’s chiefs floored and humiliated in the face of their fury.

But this isn’t over. The greed of those who see football as nothing but a way of lining their already bulging pockets WILL resurface so the fans – and the Government – must be ready to smack them down again!

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