Daily Express

Biden’s long shot at gun reform


RI ONCE came terrifying­ly close in America to so-called “death by cop”.We and our four kids were aboard a people carrier that I was driving in the late-afternoon sunshine into Phoenix,Arizona. I was trundling along the freeway at a steady 60, unaware that the speed limit had dropped to 50 now we were inside the city limits.

Red flashing lights and the “WHOOP-WHOOP” of a pursuing police patrol car signalled that I should pull over. Being a polite Englishman abroad, once I’d stopped, I opened the driver’s door to meet the officer on equal terms in the sweltering mid-August desert heat. I instinctiv­ely felt it would appear arrogant to sit inside my lovely air-conditione­d cabin while he sweated on the Tarmac outside.

Bad decision. As I walked towards the mirrored-sunglasses-wearing patrolman, he stiffened, dropped into a semi-crouch, slapped his gun holster and screamed:


I saw him thumb the holster’s cover back and caress the pistol’s handle.

I got back in the car.Very quickly. But he wasn’t finished.


Again, I complied, with alacrity.

The smaller of our children began to cry. “Don’t worry, Chloe. The policeman’s just a bit cross.”

Actually, the policeman was simply frightened – in many ways, more frightened than me. Once he had approached, crab-like, and establishe­d I was a softie Englishman on holiday with his wife and kids, he relaxed and re-holstered his weapon.

“Jesus, man, you never get outta the car when you’re stopped by a cop. Like, NEVER! We take it as a threat.You stay at the wheel and you show your hands. Man, I nearly shot you ’cos I thought you were gonna shoot ME. Seriously!”

Seeing my trauma, he let me off the speeding ticket. I remember that close encounter with a Glock special whenever I hear or read about “death by cop” incidents in America. Two teenagers – both black – have been shot dead by police there this month, one (just 13) seen holding a gun that was discarded moments before he took a bullet to the chest; the other a young girl wielding a knife.

A young man was fatally plugged in his car by a policewoma­n who claims she thought she was firing her electric Taser as he tried to drive away.

In a society so in thrall to entrenched gun lore, this sort of thing is inevitable. Piers Morgan lost his job as a US TV talk show host for daring to lecture America on its insane gun culture.

I’m willing to bet that all three officers involved in this month’s shootings will escape prosecutio­n. Theirs is a trigger-happy society where police are given almost unlimited latitude to shoot first and ask questions later.

I’m sure that if I’d been shot that desert day, the cop would have been exonerated.

This week President Biden said he wants to restrict the constituti­onal right to bear arms. In the face of America’s all-powerful gun lobby? I reckon we’re more likely to see a phoenix rise from the ashes.

 ??  ?? UNDER FIRE: Biden to face powerful US gun lobby
UNDER FIRE: Biden to face powerful US gun lobby

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