Daily Express

Republican­s seem to have throne in the towel at last


I WAS watching the opening of Parliament with great pride last week as our gracious Queen presided over it all. It’s what makes us different from the rest of the world and a country that most people respect and admire.

And whatever you think of individual members of the Royal Family, they are part of it. I’m hoping that Harry and Meghan will soon be allowed back into the fold: surely everyone must recognise that it is the fact we have a Royal Family and a history that we are still proud of. It actually makes us the mother of all nations.

I haven’t had any kind of discussion with a republican on my radio show for at least a couple of years, primarily because none of them really have an argument to debate.

Their arguments mostly stem from envy and a belief that we would all be so much better off if we didn’t have our royals.

But in case they feel I’m being undemocrat­ic, the offer of a debate about our Royal Family is on the table any time they choose.

That the dignity of Her Majesty the Queen makes everybody in this nation feel that little bit taller is undeniable.

I KNOW you will all find this very hard to believe, but last week I was 70. I can just hear you gasping with disbelief but seriously I was! And those of us who have reached a certain age would like to make our feelings known about this whole business of lockdown, mask wearing and hugging.

First, I must apologise to those who are very nervous about the virus. I’ve been frightened in the past by the whole thing too. But for the rest of us who are fed up with not being able to do what we wish, enough is enough.

I have had both my injections. I don’t like wearing a mask and I get fed up with being told what I may or may not do inside my own home.

The only reason we had lockdown is because we haven’t paid enough attention to the NHS, which has carried on with hardly any political interventi­on since it was first launched.

And can we just stop freaking out about Covid? It’s probably here to stay for a while and we will no doubt be invited for a vaccinatio­n every year. Let’s just get on with it.

The only thing I agree with is that we should keep our borders closed until the rest of the world catches up with brilliant Britain.

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