Daily Express

Our planet is wounded, let’s start to heal it urges Obama

- By Steph Spyro

BARACK Obama has declared the world is “nowhere near” where it needs to be in the fight against climate change.

The former US president, 60, said yesterday that progress has been made in recent years but the world is still “collective­ly and individual­ly” falling short.

Speaking from COP26 in Glasgow, he said the “planet has been wounded by our actions”.


Mr Obama added: “We have not done nearly enough. We are going to have to do more.”

He pointed out that most countries have failed to meet promises made in the Paris Agreement in 2016. And he referenced the words of William Shakespear­e in Othello when he said the wounds would be healed by degrees.

Mr Obama said: “What wound did ever heal but by degrees?” He added: “If we start with that spirit and each of us can fight through the occasional frustratio­n and dread, if we pledge to do our part and follow through, we can secure a better future.We have to.

“I’m ready for the long haul if you are, so let’s get to work.”

Intent on his message, Mr Obama believes the US is “moving more boldly” after four years of “active hostility” to the climate crisis from Donald Trump.

He said he “wasn’t real happy” his successor pulled the US out of the Paris accord. And he was disappoint­ed Russia and China snubbed Glasgow, saying: “It was discouragi­ng. A shame.”

But he is encouraged by the youth movement led by Greta Thunberg and referenced his mother, saying: “She’d look at me and say, ‘Don’t sulk, get busy, get to work and change what needs to be changed’. That’s exactly what young people are doing.”

 ?? Pictures: VICTORIA STEWART & GETTY ?? ‘Get busy’ ...Barack Obama speaks in Glasgow yesterday
Pictures: VICTORIA STEWART & GETTY ‘Get busy’ ...Barack Obama speaks in Glasgow yesterday

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