Daily Express

Festive food goes crackers

Are seasonal twists on old classics any better, or healthier, than the traditiona­l options? asks James Moore


Sainsbury’s Pigs in Snowy Blankets

What’s inside: Per pack 382 cals, 13.2g fat, 13.6 sugar, 1.92g salt. Festive themed “sushi” rolls with sausage meat, cranberry sauce, seaweed and sticky rice.

Top TV dietician Nigel Denby (harleystat­home.com) says: “Don’t be fooled into thinking because these are “sushi style” (rather than in pastry) that they’re any healthier. They are pretty salty and have quite a lot of sugar too!”

Heinz Christmas Dinner Soup

What’s inside: Half can 160 cals, 5.4g fat, 1.6g salt. Includes turkey, stuffing, brussels sprouts and even pigs in blankets.

Nigel says: “You’ll get more than a quarter of your day’s allowance of salt from just half a can of this soup.

“The calories and fat are not so bad, but eating too much salt is linked to high blood pressure.”

Pret A Manger Christmas Stuffing Mac and Cheese

What’s inside: 880 calories, 45g fat, 3g salt. This pork stuffing with pasta and cheese lunch would take nearly three hours to walk off.

Nigel says: “Stuffed with calories – mostly from fat rather than anything else – along with half your daily allowance of salt. I wouldn’t touch it.” Pret’s standard Macaroni Cheese Kale & Cauli Bake has ‘just’ 549cals...

Greggs Festive Bake

What’s inside: 453 cals, 27g fat, 1.7g salt. Filled with chicken plus sage and onion stuffing, their vegan festive bake actually has similar levels. Nigel says: “There are enough calories in this to equal a proper meat and two veg dinner – but there’s nothing here to really fill you up. Just a lot of fat, salt and a little protein.”

Tesco Cream Liqueur Popcorn

What’s inside: 1/8 bag - 104 cals, 2.1g fat, 0.4g salt. This portion has half the calories of a typical chocolate bar.

Nigel says: “Popcorn is a wholegrain snack which gives it plenty of nutritiona­l pluses. Here there’s some fat, salt and sugar added too but it’s no worse than your usual sweetened popcorn.”

Morrisons Turkey and Stuffing Flavour Balls

What’s inside: Per 25g portion - 129 cals, 6.5g fat, 0.3g salt. These nibbles are baked, not fried, which tends to make snacks less fatty.

Nigel says: “The salt and fat content is lower than you might expect so these aren’t too bad.”

Co-op Christmas Dinner Spring Rolls

What’s inside: Per spring roll - 64 cals, 2.2g fat, 0.18g salt. Turkey, stuffing and vegetables with cranberry sauce.

Nigel says: “With turkey being the main ingredient here, calories and fat have been kept reasonably low as has salt, so these get the nutritiona­l thumbs up.”

Domino’s ‘Festive One’ Pizza

What’s inside: Personal Classic Crust - 1177 cals, 41g fat, 6.28g salt. Topped with turkey, sausage and bacon this meaty treat would take over two hours to run off.

Nigel says: “This is packed full of fat [the average man aged 19 to 64 should eat no more than 30g of saturated fat daily…] and more salt than the recommende­d amount an adult should consume each day.”

Sauce Shop Brussels Sprout Ketchup

What’s inside: Per 100g 103 cals, 0.5g fat, 1.9g salt. Now at Sainsbury’s, the label says it’s 61 per cent sprouts.

Nigel says: “You’d struggle to claim this was part of your fivea-day, but this is pretty evenly placed nutritiona­lly alongside regular ketchup.”

Harry Ramsden’s Battered Pigs in Blankets

What’s inside: 200 cals per serving of two, 13.7g fat, 1.1g salt. On sale at Iceland, two have around the same calories as a pint of beer. Nigel says: “Whilst the nutritiona­l credential­s per two pigs don’t look so bad, you have to remember that if these were sitting out on a Christmas buffet most of us would scoff more than that.”

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