Daily Express

Russell Grant


Aries Mar 21 – Apr 20

Changes within the team and the way some people are acting spoil your enjoyment of a project or assignment you used to enjoy. You would think you are doing them a disservice by voicing your opinions. You are entitled to your views.

0905 789 3701**

Taurus Apr 21 – May 21

Everyone will have their own idea on how to go about things. Plans keep getting changed from one minute to the next and you don’t know where you are. It might be easier to pull out of some discussion­s and agree to leave it to others.

0905 789 3702**

Gemini May 22 – June 21

You have revealed too much of your private life to someone who cannot be trusted. A new friend or neighbour is causing problems between you and your partner. If you are suspicious about a loved one’s recent behaviour, ask them about it.

0905 789 3703** Cancer June 22 – July 23

Your own or a partner’s changing career direction may cause you to think about a house move. If a job offer is accepted, travelling some distance from your present address will be involved. You need time to think through these plans.

0905 789 3704**

Leo July 24 – Aug 23

An illness or activity could affect your immune system. There may be a need to rethink what your allergies might be. Follow guidance and take precaution­s if involved in any area, activity or treatment that could cause an allergic reaction.

0905 789 3705**

Virgo Aug 24 – Sep 23

Someone won’t say it in so many words but they aren’t happy about some plans being made. Their moodiness will make you realise they are secretly annoyed.You’re trying to be patient with them as you want to avoid an argument.

0905 789 3706**

Libra Sep 24 – Oct 23

A delivery you had been expecting will come on time but the item will not be the one you ordered. You will be within your rights to demand a refund. Do your homework before a job interview. Research the firm you could work for.

0905 789 3707**

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

Don’t be surprised if you are asked to help arrange a family festive celebratio­n. You will be expected to plan all the event. If you don’t have time for this, suggest this occasion deserves something more special, like an evening out.

0905 789 3708**

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

A friend or relative is finding the need to change plans disconcert­ing. You don’t mind helping out and will enjoy the challenge of having to come up with alternativ­e ideas. Variety appeals to you more than having everything in order.

0905 789 3709**

Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20

A friend or member of your family might invite you to tag along with them to join in with something they have arranged. This may mean cancelling your own plans for the day but you are being told you will have a good time, so go with the flow.

0905 789 3710**

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

Don’t be in a rush when dealing with anything that could affect your future. A legal or financial matter will come up for considerat­ion. Ask for profession­al advice. Be prepared to comb through contracts to see if you can spot any loopholes.

0905 789 3711**

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

Your thoughts are on a personal problem. If you are working, this could lead to a mistake. If you’re working with machinery be extra careful. Try to push aside private worries and concerns until you are able to get time to sort them out.

0905 789 3712**

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