Daily Express

‘Heartwarmi­ng’ Camilla has won over the nation

- By Richard Palmer Royal Correspond­ent

QUEEN Camilla has won the seal of approval from the public along with the King, a Daily Express poll has found.

After years in which the then Duchess of Cornwall was regularly viewed as less popular than her husband, the new Queen Consort is on a par with Charles in a OnePoll survey.

As the King reaches his first 60 days on the throne tomorrow, 44 per cent of the public believe both he and his wife are doing a good job, with only 11 per cent opposed. A further 45 per cent think it is too early to say.

It suggests people now see them as part of the same royal package despite earlier objections from many who sympathise­d with the late Princess Diana and took against Her Majesty.

Five years ago in the run-up to the 20th anniversar­y of Diana’s death, a poll for the Press Associatio­n found only 14 per cent wanted Camilla to be Queen.

Even in May this year a regular

YouGov poll tracker found only 20 per cent thought she should be

Queen – and that was despite her receiving the endorsemen­t in

February of Queen

Elizabeth, who said it was her

“sincere wish” she should become


Consort when

Charles became King.

Last night,


Wilson, Camilla’s first biographer, noted the dramatic change in public attitude and described it as a “heartwarmi­ng” result of her hard work.

He said: “The public are the most forgiving of all when it comes to the royals – well, at least some of the royals.”

The poll shows less support for the rehabilita­tion of other members of the family.

Some 28 per cent said Prince Andrew should have all ties to the Royal Family cut after he was forced to step down amid controvers­y surroundin­g his friendship with paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his payout to a woman who claims he sexually assaulted her when she was 17.

The Duke of York has always vigorously denied any wrongdoing.

A further 25 per cent thought Andrew should be allowed to use “His Royal Highness” but not take part in royal occasions, while 24 per cent said he should be allowed.

The public are also split on whether Prince Harry should be welcomed back into the fold as a working royal, with 25 per cent saying he should and the same proportion arguing he should not.

A further 26 per cent say he should be allowed back part time.

The King

has followed his mother in many ways since becoming head of state but he has made clear he would like to open up royal residences more to the public.

In our poll, two-thirds supported the idea of making some or all of the royal palaces more accessible, although senior royal aides have argued that it would pose practicali­ty issues, particular­ly at Buckingham Palace. Elsewhere, with the cost-of-living crisis, palace officials are mindful of the King and Queen’s Coronation next May appearing too extravagan­t.

They have promised it will be a spectacle, with military parades, gold coaches and everything associated with the pageantry of great state occasions. But they have also insisted it will be scaled back compared with the 1953 event.

OnePoll’s survey of 2,033 adults on Thursday and yesterday found 45 per cent agreed the Coronation should be scaled back, compared with 30 per cent who thought no expense should be spared.

Six per cent believed the event should not go ahead.

Meanwhile, it has been revealed Prince Harry chose the controvers­ial title Spare for his autobiogra­phy himself, according to a friend of his wife, Meghan.

Ghost-written by JR Moehringer, the book is due to be published on January 10.

Journalist Omid Scobie said Harry has opted not to change the manuscript in the wake of the Queen’s death in September.

Mr Scobie said Harry would “acknowledg­e” her late Majesty at the start of the book and is publishing despite “very serious blowback from the institutio­n and family” remaining a “very real risk”.

SINCE the death of our beloved Queen Elizabeth, the King and Queen Consort have been a formidable double act. It is clear the public have warmed to both of them, and perhaps to Camilla in particular.

Indeed, our polling shows that her popularity matches that of Charles.

People can see that she is the rock from which the King draws strength as he carries out his duties. Long may it continue.

 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Dividing opinion... Prince Harry and Prince Andrew
Dividing opinion... Prince Harry and Prince Andrew
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Dazzling public... Queen Camilla has people’s support
Dazzling public... Queen Camilla has people’s support
 ?? ?? Warm welcome...Queen receives a bouquet on a recent visit to Walthamsto­w as King Charles looks on
Warm welcome...Queen receives a bouquet on a recent visit to Walthamsto­w as King Charles looks on

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