Daily Express

Just Stop...the ego-warriors


WHAT’S SO hilarious about those eco morons who tried to wreck the Chelsea Flower Show this week is their sense of self-importance, their self-righteousn­ess, their absolute belief that throwing orange powder around a sustainabl­e garden and chanting silly mantras is actually saving the planet.

You just know these egotistica­l loons look in the mirror every morning truly believing they’re doing God’s work repeating their little war cry: “I AM saving the planet. I AM an eco-warrior. I WILL triumph.”

One of the idiots at Chelsea, Naomi Goddard, who clearly fancies herself as a female Che Guevara, said: “We wanted visitors to pick a side. Take a stand for good over evil, life over death, right over wrong.”

Well visitors DID pick a side and it wasn’t the protesters’. Their response was to turn a hose on them and tell them to bog off.

Watching these protesters and all the others we’ve seen in recent weeks reminded me of some recent research which suggested that many of them are actually narcissist­s who exploit the notoriety of their movement to fuel their own egotistica­l desires.

According to the researcher­s, manipulati­ve individual­s see some types of activism as a vehicle for “positive self-presentati­on (e.g. virtue signalling) and gaining status”. One of the paper’s authors said: “We think that narcissist­s are involved in activism NOT for altruistic reasons, but for selfish ones.”

And looking at those women at Chelsea this week you can see that’s true.

If these people had a brain cell between them they’d see that far from recruiting followers to their cause they’re driving them away but they don’t really care about that. Because it’s not actually about the cause, it’s about them feeding their gigantic egos.

And now, because most of us can see that, it’s impossible to support anything they do or say because apart from their narcissism, we see they’re actually ineffectiv­e and gutless. They don’t have the courage or the will to effect change by engaging to, the people who can.

They’re also too scared to take on the world’s real polluters – China, the US, India – because they know what would happen if they staged their feeble little protests in those countries. So they “perform” in softtouch Britain, which produces just 1 per cent of the world’s carbon emissions and had started reducing them long before most of these silly protesters were born.

They know there’ll be no real consequenc­es to their law breaking here, save for a couple of ego-boosting days in chokey. The real pity isn’t just that these people are thick but that they think we are too and that we don’t see what they are. Their lack of awareness about everything, not just of their own cause, is towering. What kind of environmen­talist wrecks a sustainabl­e garden, which they all are at the Chelsea Flower Show? What kind of environmen­talist did what a bunch of vegan activists did this week and ripped terrified lambs away from their mothers who are still franticall­y looking for them.

BUT THEN causing distress to defenceles­s animals is nothing new to them. Look what they did on Grand National Day at Aintree. Their antics resulted in the death of a beautiful horse. But, hey, narcissist­s only love themselves – not the planet, not animals, not other people.

The fact is nothing these idiots are doing will save the planet and they need to admit, if only to themselves, that their protests aren’t even about that. They’re just a rite of passage for middle-class young people and bored pensioners who join the fray because it’s better than watching daytime TV.

Nothing these protesters do will ever effect climate change. That will only be brought about by serious people. And these egoists aren’t serious people. They’re just vapid attention-seekers addicted to seeing themselves on TV and in the media. with, or talking

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