Daily Express

Scammers out for a free ride to UK


RISHI KEEPS promising to get migration down. He could start by tackling what happened in the Channel this week when 50 migrants on a small boat refused to be rescued by a French warship because they knew they’d be taken back to France. And so UK Border Force had to pick them up.

But why? Why are we acting as a taxi service to people who want to come here and scam the system? The people on that boat weren’t genuine refugees.

If they were they’d have taken any help on offer.

They’re economic migrants who want to come to Britain because the French won’t let them stay – and we will.

That’s what you need to be stopping Rishi – not the university students who bring in £41billion a year and then go home, and not the skilled workers who are coming to fill the jobs lazy Brits refuse, but the scammers!

■ IS CALVIN Klein trying to go broke? I ask because CK’s latest ad for underwear (below) features two very fat, very unattracti­ve people who’ve managed to make the company’s legendary pants look ugly.

In its pathetic efforts to pander to the woke mob, CK hasn’t just used a trans man to advertise a sports bra – it’s used a fat hairy one with boobs.

And those disappoint­ed by my descriptio­n of the man – well, I’ll just have to live with your disappoint­ment.

CK is torpedoing what was a sexy business model (that allows them to charge £30 for a pair of boxers) that’s taken them years to build?

Just like Adidas did last week when it used trans women with bulging genitalia to advertise women’s swimming costumes.

Just as Bud Light did before them.

I used to buy Calvin Klein’s overpriced clothes – not any more.

I hope you’ll all punish their farcical wokery – and follow suit.

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