Daily Express

MP’s plea: For democracy’s sake end trophy hunting

- By Steph Spyro Environmen­t Editor

AN MP has urged colleagues to join together to end trophy hunting “for the sake of democracy”.

A ban on the act of killing wild animals then importing them to the UK for displays in homes was promised in the Tories’ 2019 election manifesto. But legislatio­n was thwarted by a minority of peers in what Henry Smith described as a “terrible denial of democracy”.

The Crawley MP said: “It is vital that Great Britain acts to help put an end to trophy hunting. It is equally vital we help to restore faith in our democratic system.

“A ban was promised in the 2019 manifesto that Conservati­ve MPs such as myself were elected on and is strongly supported across the political spectrum in the Commons. For it to have been thwarted by a minority of peers was a terrible denial of democracy and shocked many people.”

Campaigner­s blasted a “list of shame” last month, uncovered by the Daily Express, which shows two dead lions, seven giraffes and a cheetah were among the species brought into Britain in 2022.

In September, Mr Smith’s Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibitio­n) Bill was blocked by pro-hunting peers.

This legislatio­n would have stopped hunters bringing to the UK dead endangered animals killed for “entertainm­ent”.

Mr Smith stressed: “Voters have said repeatedly that this is a priority issue for them. Among supporters of my own party, 92% want the ban brought in as quickly as possible.”

He urged MPs to appear in the Commons this Friday to vote on an identical Bill. Sonul Badiani-Hamment, of animal welfare charity Four Paws UK, said: “The myth that is often peddled is that this ‘sport’ benefits conservati­on efforts, but in reality it’s just a moneymakin­g business.

“That myth needs to be dispelled and the realities of trophy hunting made clear. The UK has an important role to play in this.”

 ?? ?? ‘Vital’...Henry Smith
‘Vital’...Henry Smith

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