Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine




There’s a shot ringing out across the Mar 21 - Apr 20

heavens this week that’s being fired from the barrel of a starting gun. It’s encouragin­g you to gather yourself together, get fighting fit and get ready to take action. Your ruler’s coming home. There’s no time, though, for a parade. There’ll be plenty of those once it’s worked its magic. Before that can happen, there comes an invitation to move forwards, be brave, be passionate and take the initiative. Where, in your life, have you been stuck in first gear? Here comes your chance to shift up and move on. NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecast. There’s amazing news for you. Call 0906 751 5601.


Most people are intimidate­d by Apr 21 - May 21

rules and restrictio­ns. If they see a sign that says Keep Out, they don’t stop to ask who put it there. They just keep out. They don’t want to get into trouble. One part of you is usually acquiescen­t. But, when you encounter an obstacle on the very path you’re determined to tread, you can be remarkably rebellious. As your ruler links to Saturn ahead of the New Moon, what can you do about the barrier that stands in your way? That’s for you to decide – but you’re within your rights to question it! NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecast. There’s important news for you. Call 0906 751 5602.


What must people have thought

May 22 - Jun 22

when they first discovered dinosaur bones? Perhaps they were just relieved that they’d never had to face such terrifying beasts. It’s easy to see how legends about knights battling dragons could grow… without historical context, fossils must have inspired outlandish explanatio­ns. This week, you too can make a discovery that will seem difficult to comprehend. But these aren’t the Dark Ages. You have the ability to make sense of your findings. And with this knowledge comes the ability to make a vital decision. NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecast. There’s exciting news for you. Call 0906 751 5603.


What can you pull from nowhere, out Jun 23 - Jul 23

of a hat? How can you just snap your fingers and make something happen? Isn’t life asking you to accomplish something impossible? If you’re being asked to do the impossible, then you’re in a deeply unfair situation. But what if you’re not? What if you’re being asked to accomplish the ‘seemingly impossible’? As Mars changes signs, there’s a big difference between a difficult challenge and an unattainab­le result. The first New Moon of the year this week asks you to have more faith in your capabiliti­es! NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecast. There’s rewarding news for you. Call 0906 751 5604.


When a room’s left unused, it becomes Jul 24 - Aug 23

dusty. It needs a thorough clean and a good airing before it becomes pleasantly habitable again. It’s the same thing when we spend our time boxed in the same four walls. It gets stuffy, and we can develop cabin fever. The solution? Open up the windows and take some air again! Sometimes all it takes to refresh a tired situation is more room to breathe. Where, in your life, do you need to take a new approach? This week, the cosmos brings you the opportunit­y to revitalise and renew. NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecast. There’s amazing news for you. Call 0906 751 5605.


How do people in my profession learn Aug 24 - Sep 23

to see the future? By studying the past of course! Astrology students cast charts of historical figures. Once we know what influence an alignment had, we can see what’s likely to happen the next time it occurs. As your ruler conjuncts Pluto, even without mystic tools of divination, you’re now surprising­ly well placed to foresee the outcome of a process. And this week, Venus’s relationsh­ip with Saturn helps you to draw on your experience and common sense. Your plans can come closer to fruition. NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecast. There’s important news for you. Call 0906 751 5606.


In the movies, there often comes a Sep 24 - Oct 23

point when the hero or heroine finally gets their hands on what they need to save the day. ‘It’s time to fight fire with fire!’, they might exclaim, without any irony at all. But surely such a phrase illustrate­s the foolishnes­s of this endeavour? It simply adds fuel to the flames! And the victor would only have ash as their spoils. This week, by all means be passionate, excitable and driven. But try to meet your challenges sensitivel­y and appropriat­ely. You have the skill to avoid confrontat­ion, and advance with ease. NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecast. There’s exciting news for you. Call 0906 751 5607.


The most startling truths often

Oct 24 - Nov 22

hide in plain sight. Some events seem strange at first. We blink in disbelief. We try to carry on as we were before. We don’t want to see – or to talk, or to think about whatever has made itself so clear. Yet it’s not always the bad things we ‘blank out’ whilst noticing good ones. Often we can’t see great possibilit­ies whilst being all too aware of problems or grievances. This week, as Mercury conjuncts your ruler Pluto, there’s something you need to digest. Give it a chance. You may yet come to love it. NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecast. There’s rewarding news for you. Call 0906 751 5608.


They say once bitten, twice

Nov 23 - Dec 21

shy. But Tennyson also claimed that it was better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. He was a wise one… and I suspect he experience­d his share of heartache. It’s his words that inspire your forecast this week. You’re at risk of letting a pain that your heart experience­d in the past, limit your opportunit­ies for the future. Although caution is to be encouraged, it’s only advocated when it’s married to optimism. Don’t let doubt prevent you from enjoying the flowers that life is gifting you. NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecast. There’s amazing news for you. Call 0906 751 5609.


Mercury’s conjunctio­n with

Dec 22 - Jan 20

Pluto, in Capricorn, arriving amidst the Jupiter-Uranus T-square, speaks clearly of glorious transforma­tion. It heralds a much-needed change from which, eventually, you can only benefit. But Mercury leaving the shadow implies the need to let go of something that you’ve been hanging on to too tightly. Somehow, an aspiration has turned into a source of anxiety. The cosmos is urging you to move on. As you find freedom from your fear, so you find a new home for your hope. It’s as if you’re being set free. NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecast. There’s important news for you. Call 0906 751 5610.


In Back To The Future, Marty Jan 21 - Feb 19

McFly couldn’t interfere with his former self, lest he ceased to exist. In my Think Of Your Future forecasts, the rules are more flexible! But I can’t change your past. And who you’ve ‘been’ is welcome to influence who you’ll become… as long as the result is an improvemen­t, and not the fading of your fortunes. This week, you can make a fresh start in an area that’s been calling out for dramatic interventi­on. No matter how difficult things might have been of late, now is the time to look positively toward the future. NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecast. There’s exciting news for you. Call 0906 751 5611.


If the only way to win a race is to Feb 20 - Mar 20

come first, then you stand a good chance now of winning any competitio­n you enter. But if the sense of reward and success you seek can be measured in a more subtle way, you don’t necessaril­y need such an obvious victory. What if it’s enough just to know that you’ve taken part and done your best? What if that, in itself, proves your points and entitles you to claim a great psychologi­cal prize? As Mars leaves your sign this week, this may even be a far more civilised and sensible goal to aim for! NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecast. There’s rewarding news for you. Call 0906 751 5612.

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