Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

Ask Monty

- Write to Monty Don at Weekend, Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT or email monty.don@dailymail.co.uk. Please include your full name and address. We regret Monty can’t reply to letters personally.

Q My fig tree has loads of tiny figs on it. Should I cut them all off or are they this year’s harvest? Maureen Shaw, Lincolnshi­re

A By late summer all fig trees are carrying at least two crops simultaneo­usly. But in Britain only one will ever ripen. So any figs bigger than a pea left on the tree by November should be removed as they won’t ripen.

Q I’d like to move a Christmas box and a rosemary plant to a different part of my garden. When should I do it? Carole Daniels, Norfolk

A With evergreens such as these, it’s best to wait until April or even early May when the soil will have begun to warm up and the roots start to grow faster than the demands made on them by new top growth. Make sure the plants have been well watered a week before moving, use mycorrhiza­l fungi and soak weekly for the first month or two.

Q Please could you tell me if I can plant snowdrop bulbs now? Branko Beljin, Suffolk

A You can, but the chances of them producing flowers next year are very slim. The time to plant snowdrop bulbs is September but even then they never grow well. It’s much better to plant mature plants in February or March; they’ll establish well and guarantee flowers next winter.

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