Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine



THE BIG MOVIE London Road (2015) 15 Sunday, 10pm, BBC2 What sounds awkward, even tasteless on paper – a musical that takes the real murders of five women working as prostitute­s in Ipswich, in 2006, as an inspiratio­n – became a surprise hit on the London stage in 2011, and was then made into this feature. The play’s 11 actors all return for the film, with some high-profile additions – Taboo’s Tom Hardy, appearing as a favour to the director, his friend Rufus Norris, and Broadchurc­h’s Olivia Colman (above, centre) – but there are no stars here; this is very much an ensemble affair. The story is told through the words of a community that has been scarred by the murders and their time in the media spotlight and trying to heal afterwards. It’s a bold, imaginativ­e piece of work that takes time to get used to, but will more than reward your patience. CLASSIC FILM CHOICE Mean Streets (1973) 18 Saturday, 10.30pm, BBC2 This early effort from Martin Scorsese sets the tone and style for so much of his work that followed. A story of sin and redemption, and the violence that drives both, it’s played out on the streets of New York’s Little Italy – but was filmed mainly in LA. Harvey Keitel is wannabe mob man Charlie, but the one to watch is Robert De Niro (above right, with Keitel), as the damaged Johnny Boy – it’s hard not to, as his wild energy fairly crackles on screen. Charlie tries to look out for Johnny Boy, but the younger man is mad – but not really bad – and clearly dangerous to know, setting both on a path that neither wants to follow. Lately, Keitel and De Niro have lost some credibilit­y – insurance adverts and Dirty Grandpa spring to mind – but perhaps they can recapture some of the magic of this breakthrou­gh when they reunite with Scorsese for next year’s The Irishman.

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