Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine



Aries ‘Crisis? What crisis?’ These words were

Mar 21 - Apr 20

associated with a 1970s government, beset by problems that it seemed unable to acknowledg­e, let alone handle. Yet they might describe an attitude you can adopt yourself now. Not because you’re out of touch with the forces whirling around you. But because you’ve got all you need to handle whatever life throws at you! The planets are emboldenin­g you, and bringing you the power to transform into the person you were always meant to be. Your challenges will seem insignific­ant. ‘ Trouble? What trouble?’ Even if you don’t usually call your in- depth forecast, you should hear the excellent news for March. Call 0906 751 5601.

Taurus Rarely is a mood of frustratio­n worth

Apr 21 - May 21

indulging. Even if it provides us with much-needed motivation, even if it fuels a flame of deep determinat­ion, we pay a high price for allowing ourselves to experience such angry exasperati­on. Better, by far, to be fluid and philosophi­cal. After the Jupiter-Uranus opposition, Mars enters your sign. Yet, before it does, it links to Saturn. Try your best, by all means, to make something happen. But accept that, if it doesn’t happen, the time is not yet right. A set of valid reasons for this will reveal themselves in time. Your in- depth, NEW March forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5602.

Gemini There’s much to be gained by May 22 - Jun 22

pausing for breath, and turning our focus inward. Yet such moments are hard to find. There’s so much to do that time to reflect has become an almost unaffordab­le luxury. This month, the universe urges you to dig deep into your psychologi­cal pocket, and prioritise this expense. There’s a better way to find the security and happiness you seek… and steps to be taken, which will help you regain control. All you need to do, is explore the causes that matter most. Make time to pause, and you really will be rejuvenate­d. Understand what’s happening in your horoscope and discover how to ensure success in March. Call 0906 751 5603.

Cancer In the 1860s, a law was passed for

Jun 23 - Jul 23

bidding cars to travel anywhere, unless someone walked in front of each vehicle, waving a flag to alert other road users. That rule didn’t last long, nor did the 4mph maximum speed government­s tried to impose. Yet for a while, that was the rule if you wanted to travel by automobile. This month, the Jupiter-Uranus opposition forms a T-square with Pluto. Then along comes the Full Moon to form another with Saturn! For a while, in your life, a similarly unreasonab­le limitation has been in place. This month, it can be lifted. Please keep reading. There are great things to discover in your indepth forecast for March. For inspiratio­n call 0906 751 5604.

Leo Flanders and Swann wrote one of the

Jul 24 - Aug 23

most tragically beautiful love songs I’ve ever heard. It just so happens, however, that it was written about a short- sighted armadillo trying to woo a rusty battle tank! Sometimes, what moves us takes a surprising form. Does that make it wrong? Hardly. Every day holds the potential to learn more about ourselves and, this month brings you opportunit­y a- plenty! Explore what seems different. You’ll learn how to transform a part of your world that has seemed empty… so that it teems with life anew. March is the month you’ve been waiting for. Get the good news in your NEW four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.

Virgo Nature versus nurture. That’s the

Aug 24 - Sep 23

great debate. How much of our personalit­y is inherited? How much of our behaviour is learned? What’s your true nature? Do you confuse what comes naturally to you with what you’ve been taught? While you contemplat­e the answers, here’s the astrologic­al news: the Jupiter-Uranus T-square with Pluto arrives this month, just before your ruler conjuncts Neptune, the Sun and Venus. Profound urges will awaken within you. Talents and powers will be unleashed. There’s more in your nature to be nurtured. There’s lots to tell you about March – and you’re going to like it. Call your NEW, inspiratio­n-packed forecast: 0906 751 5606.

Libra How can you tell if someone’s got your

Sep 24 - Oct 23

best interests at heart? It all depends what they want you to do. If they’re encouragin­g you to make a vertical movement over the edge of a high rocky precipice, then they’re probably not as friendly as they seem! But just because someone is encouragin­g you to do something difficult, doesn’t indicate ill will. Sometimes we need to be cajoled into making changes that interrupt the status quo. This month, even if you don’t quite trust someone, believe in your ability to rise to their challenge. It will be worth it. Even if you don’t usually call your in- depth forecast, you should hear the excellent news for March. Call 0906 751 5607.

Scorpio In supermarke­ts, we see signs Oct 24 - Nov 22

that state, ‘While stocks last!’ They’re encouragin­g us to grab today’s bargain offer while we can, for it will sell out soon. Indeed it will, especially if enough people believe the notice! Whenever something appears to be in short supply, it seems more desirable than that which is always available. Though some chances really are never to be repeated, most are simply a ploy. Following the Jupiter-Uranus opposition that aligns with your ruler Pluto, don’t be bamboozled into making decisions in a hurry. If it’s right, it’ll wait. Your in-depth, NEW March forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5608.

Sagittariu­s Few people can just snap Nov 23 - Dec 21

their fingers and have all their needs met. Many of us, though, imagine this to be the ultimate luxury. But, wouldn’t such a life be claustroph­obic? And where would the immense satisfacti­on gained from striving and achieving be found? Aren’t your most treasured possession­s the ones you’ve worked hardest for? This month, you have a team in place that can effect change. But, simply snapping your fingers won’t bring you what you really want. You’ll have to lift one or two, too! Being part of a team will bring success. Understand what’s happening in your horoscope and discover how to ensure success in March. Call 0906 751 5609.

Capricorn Think about the world’s most Dec 22 - Jan 20

popular cars, films, books, bands, foods or football teams. They may all be very well liked, but does that automatica­lly mean we’re right to describe them as ‘the best’? Even people with the most mainstream tastes can point to some clear examples of popular beliefs with which they disagree. Whenever we measure or compare any aspect of our life by referring to ‘what most folk would think’, we compromise our individual­ity. This month, the planets want you to concentrat­e on what makes most sense to you personally. Please keep reading. There are great things to discover in your in-depth forecast for March. For inspiratio­n call 0906 751 5610.

Aquarius Recently, I was watching a perJan 21 - Feb 19

formance by the excellent Canadian singer/songwriter Sarah MacDougall. Amidst the crowd of attentive listeners, one person was making a noise and distractin­g from her performanc­e. What would you do in this situation? Risk making a bigger scene by confrontin­g the one irritation? Or let go, and concentrat­e on the performanc­e? You’re heading into a situation where confrontat­ion will be less effective than coercion. If you convince others to focus on the bigger picture, everyone will benefit from a more powerful experience. March is the month you’ve been waiting for. Get the good news in your NEW four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5611.

Pisces The closer we get to a big moment,

Feb 20 - Mar 20

the less inclined we are to back away from it. A sense of the inevitable begins to take over. We start to feel as though we’ve got a date with fate. And, who would dare to leave the Goddess of Destiny feeling stood up, foolish and forgotten? But so far, the arrangemen­t is only tentative. As the Sun and Mercury conjunct Neptune, and with the arrival of the Jupiter-Uranus opposition, Destiny won’t be offended if you change your plans. And, this month, she’ll still be keen to call no matter how dramatic your shift in circumstan­ces. There’s lots to tell you about March – and you’re going to like it. Call your NEW, inspiratio­n-packed forecast: 0906 751 5612.

 ??  ?? As March begins, the month is coloured by the second Jupiter-Uranus opposition of 2017, which brings the potential for adventure. As the seasons change, the energy of transition is emphasised by celestial movements. And, with the planet of luck and...
As March begins, the month is coloured by the second Jupiter-Uranus opposition of 2017, which brings the potential for adventure. As the seasons change, the energy of transition is emphasised by celestial movements. And, with the planet of luck and...

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