Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine


The week is filled with epiphanies and realisatio­ns. The Full Moon in Scorpio makes a harmonious link to its ruler, Pluto. Meanwhile, Mercury links with Uranus and begins its journey forwards again. And with Mars joining forces with both Neptune and Jupit



What would the world be like if clothes Mar 21 - Apr 20

didn’t exist? If we all wandered around naked, would we be obliged to be a little more honest with one another? Might it be harder to hide our hidden agendas and our pockets of emotional vulnerabil­ity? Actually, it probably wouldn’t make much of a difference. These things don’t become any more obvious, regardless of what we wear. But as your ruler links to Neptune this week, a mask is being worn and you need to see past it. Don’t worry, though, you might like what you see. Ready to look at your life in a new light? This week’s Full Moon has a powerful message for you. Call 0906 751 5601.


Is there a belief holding you back? Apr 21 - May 21

If you could just set it aside, would the world be your oyster? What a curious phrase. Originally Shakespear­ean, the character, Pistol, bragged that he could enjoy anything he liked, as long as he could use the tip of his sword to prise open its resistance. This is appropriat­e for you this week. There may be a moment of realisatio­n that will make a difference. But it won’t come out of its shell voluntaril­y. You’ll need to do a little more digging. Persevere. It’ll be worth it. This week’s Full Moon brings powerful, positive change! There’s great news in your NEW forecast. Call 0906 751 5602.


‘Row, row, row your boat, gently May 22 - Jun 22

down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.’ Is the old song true? How can we tell? Until the moment we wake up and find ourselves on a rowing boat somewhere, we have to assume that most of our experience is real. But just as it’s possible, through a process of ‘ lucid dreaming’ to alter the outcome of a story that we experience in our sleep, it’s possible too to alter the outcome of many a mundane process. You can dream up a better vision this week. This week’s Full Moon is powerful. Use its light to change your life for the better. Call your NEW forecast: 0906 751 5603.


In the shady world of political Jun 23 - Jul 23

manoeuvrin­g, people sometimes ‘donate’ to a campaign. Their gifts are often tactical investment­s – designed to bear fruit in times to come. You’ve been conscienti­ously working towards a goal for some time. This week, the planets suggest that your hard work is about to pay off. You haven’t done this alone, though. But, just because someone has helped doesn’t entitle them to dictate the terms now. Show generosity and appreciati­on by all means. But remember that you’re in control. As the Moon grows full, get ready to look at your life and take advantage of a rare opportunit­y. Call 0906 751 5604.


Are you superhuman? Were you born with Jul 24 - Aug 23

amazing powers? How do you know the answer is ‘no’? Have you ever really put yourself to the test? I know that this is an extreme example – but then, how often do you use extreme examples to limit yourself? You look at what’s absolutely unattainab­le, feel pessimisti­c about it, and then go on to assume that a bunch of more reasonable objectives must be equally beyond reach. With the Full Moon this week, if you trust yourself, you will be amazed by what can be achieved. Ready to look at your life in a new light? This week’s Full Moon has a powerful message for you. Call 0906 751 5605.


It’s all coming out into the open. MisAug 24 - Sep 23

understand­ings and deliberate obfuscatio­n, which have been hiding the real picture, are about to clear up. And with this clarity comes a way to do things differentl­y. No more ‘ try it and see what happens’. The insight you need, in order to make a tactical decision, is on its way. You just need to have confidence in your ability to get the job done. Rather than being distracted or confused by alternativ­e suggestion­s, it’s time to take positive and direct action. The path ahead is clear. This week’s Full Moon brings powerful, positive change! There’s great news in your NEW forecast. Call 0906 751 5606.


Children want things to be fair. If Sep 24 - Oct 23

little Sam has had more turns on the swing, there’ll be a complaint. As we grow older, we become aware that justice isn’t always so easy to apply. Clever people know how to make things look fair, even when they aren’t. Suspicious people are quick to call things unfair, even when arrangemen­ts are perfectly reasonable. Now that Mercury is direct, before something can be properly made okay this week, you need to establish whether there is actually anything wrong. This week’s Full Moon is powerful. Use its light to change your life for the better. Call your NEW forecast: 0906 751 5607.


The Full Moon, in your sign, links Oct 24 - Nov 22

harmonious­ly to your ruler, Pluto, and then to the planet of luck, Jupiter. In life’s game of snakes and ladders, this represents a roll of the dice that lands you on a path upwards. Yet it’s not just luck that has brought you to this square of the board. Your ability to sense pitfalls and avoid risks has played a large part in your advancemen­t. As life offers you a ladder, this is not the time to worry about snakes. Your foundation­s have been well built. You have the ability to reach great heights. As the Moon grows full, get ready to look at your life and take advantage of a rare opportunit­y. Call 0906 751 5608.


If you don’t take a risk, Nov 23 - Dec 21

how can you reap a reward? But if you push your luck, there’s always a chance that you might push it too far. The real question to ask, when deciding where to draw a line, is whether or not your luck seems to be pushing you. As Mars links to Neptune, is something moving this week because you’re trying to make it move? Or is it moving because it’s the right time? What will happen if you go along with an impulse? Most likely, you’ll simply roll with it. And, you might like where it takes you. Ready to look at your life in a new light? This week’s Full Moon has a powerful message for you. Call 0906 751 5609.


They say that a fool and his Dec 22 - Jan 20

money are easily parted. But you’re no fool. So why does it sometimes feel that you have to be more generous than others? Perhaps it’s because, with generosity, often comes respect. When we offer help with no strings attached, the very act of interventi­on has a positive effect in ways that are not always obvious. And be it money, time, effort or wisdom, what you have to offer represents a port in someone’s storm. Be the bigger person this week. Your actions will be appreciate­d. This week’s Full Moon brings powerful, positive change! There’s great news in your NEW forecast. Call 0906 751 5610.


Even people who thrive under Jan 21 - Feb 19

pressure enjoy the challenge only when they feel confident they know what they’re doing. When we’re wrestling with a delicate situation, we need calm in order to concentrat­e. Your priority is to create such an atmosphere, or to retreat to a place where it can be found. With newly direct Mercury’s links to your rulers, it’s your chance to be truly productive. That’s why you can’t afford to hurry so much that you miss a crucial point. Take your time; get it right this week. This week’s Full Moon is powerful. Use its light to change your life for the better. Call your NEW forecast: 0906 751 5611.


Mars, the planet of energy and pasFeb 20 - Mar 20

sion, is the astrologic­al focus for your week. As it links to your ruler, Neptune, don’t be put off by what first looks difficult. Appearance­s can, of course, be deceiving. And none more so than when we undertake an action that challenges the foundation­s upon which our life has been built. You’re being blessed with the courage to continue with a brave and bold plan. Anything that appears remotely scary can be easily scared away. The way ahead is nowhere near as hard as you fear. As the Moon grows full, get ready to look at your life and take advantage of a rare opportunit­y. Call 0906 751 5612.

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