Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine



Chipotle chillies are smoked, dried jalapeño peppers, used a lot in the States. They have a distinct smoky flavour. The cactus fruit in the salad is optional – also called prickly pear, it tastes like a cross between a pear and a watermelon. You can find it in specialist greengroce­rs or online.

Serves 4

2 x 500g (1lb 2oz) rib-eye steaks

2tbsp olive oil

4 large corn cobs

For the chipotle butter

4 dried chipotle chillies (available online) or ½-1tbsp chipotle chilli paste (from supermarke­ts)

300g (10½oz) butter, softened

2tbsp chopped fresh mint

2tbsp chopped fresh coriander

3 limes, zested and juiced

1 tomato, deseeded and diced

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

For the salad

1 butter lettuce

2 avocados, peeled and sliced

Half a cactus fruit, peeled and cut lengthways (optional, see note above)

4 plum tomatoes, quartered

1tbsp chopped fresh coriander

1tbsp chopped fresh mint

If you’re using dried chillies for the chipotle butter, soak them overnight first. The next day, drain and chop finely, removing the stalks. Place the chopped chillies (or the chilli paste, if using) in a bowl with the other ingredient­s for the chipotle butter and season. Melt half the mixture in a pan over a low heat. Cover the remaining mixture and chill.

Rub the steaks with olive oil and season. Place on either a hot barbecue or a griddle pan and cook for 6 minutes, then turn over and cook for a further 6 minutes. (For well done, cook for another minute on each side.) Put on a plate to rest. Pull the husks off the corn and place the cobs on the heat. Cook for 6 minutes, turning halfway through. Brush the melted chipotle butter over the steaks and the corn while cooking, to baste.

Meanwhile, plunge the whole lettuce into a bowl of iced water. Drain, then separate the leaves. Arrange them on a serving plate and spoon the avocado, cactus fruit (if using) and tomatoes on top. Sprinkle the herbs over. Slice the steaks on a board and place on a serving plate. Top with a spoonful of the chilled butter, place the corn alongside and serve with the salad.

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