Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine


For Sagittaria­ns, this is probably the most significan­t week for 12 years. But, it’s not too shabby for the rest of us either! When Jupiter, the planet of opportunit­y, luck and exploratio­n, returns home to the sign of the centaur, we’re all encouraged to



You’re making a lot of effort to try to Mar 21 - Apr 20

understand a situation. Yet, the more you seem to get your mind around all the different aspects, the more it seems to slip out of your grasp. You think you’ve seen all the complexiti­es... then something new pops up. This is an experience that some people might call valuable learning, but which others might identify as a tricky patch. You’re the person best placed to make that call, though. This week, as Uranus enters your sign, you’ll find an innovative and off-the-wall approach will work wonders. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute forecast for good news: 0906 751 5601.


‘If at first you don’t succeed, try, try Apr 21 - May 21

and try again,’ is a saying that seems to have gone out of fashion. No wonder, in our point-and- click world, when we can’t get something quickly, we can just replace it with something else. It’s easy to give up on a dream. Why bother to persist when a problem pops up? No one wants to feel disappoint­ed or embarrasse­d by a sense of failure. This week, in a part of your life where you’re not making the progress you’d like, it really is worth giving it all the effort and energy you’ve got. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute forecast for exciting news: 0906 751 5602.


Have you ever been tempted to run May 22 - Jun 22

the wrong way up an escalator? I’m not recommendi­ng that you find one and try it this week! It’s the concept, of doing something a bit naughty and against the tide, that is pertinent. Life is providing you with a challenge that feels like an uphill battle. Your objective seems to be far away and receding, rather than getting closer. Do you need to use so much energy in your pursuit? No! As Jupiter moves opposite your sign, it highlights an easy stairway that will take you in the right direction. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute forecast for important news: 0906 751 5603.


One particular drama in your life Jun 23 - Jul 23

could rival the length of a TV soap with its permutatio­ns and twists and turns. Yet the script lacks excitement, or maybe your interest has waned. If only you could just change the channel or fast-forward to a new storyline. As the New Moon and Neptune link this week, they bring the potential to make a discovery that could both inspire and irritate you. As a way to create a new relationsh­ip with a key person becomes obvious, you’ll know exactly how to rewrite your role and make it fulfilling. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute forecast for good news: 0906 751 5604.


With so many troubles that seem Jul 24 - Aug 23

impossible to solve, life on planet Earth is full of uncertaint­y. With growing awareness of the problems facing so many of its inhabitant­s, it’s hard to know where to focus our resources and what to do to make a difference. This week, though, the cosmic message is hopeful. Yes, you can always find reasons to be anxious. But, if you transform your concerns into finding a positive solution to difficulti­es in your own life, you’ll be surprised by the power of the ripple effect it has on others. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute forecast for exciting news: 0906 751 5605.


Since you demand high standards of Aug 24 - Sep 23

yourself, you can be pretty confident that you’re doing your best. And if you don’t think you are? Well, how can you be so sure you’re not? Does your ‘ best’ always need to involve hardship and difficulty? Does an element of sacrifice always need to be involved? There are moments when the very best thing you can decide to do is nothing at all. This week, as the New Moon links with Neptune, allowing yourself to watch, trust and wait will transform a challenge into a treat. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute forecast for important news: 0906 751 5606.


Although you might feel as if you’re Sep 24 - Oct 23

courting controvers­y or you’re raising objections, you need to do what you’re doing right now. You can’t expect everyone to agree with your line of thinking – especially when you’re being courageous and setting the bar high. You need, this week, to tap into your determinat­ion. Of course you should (and can) avoid arguments if they arise, but you need to hold on to your vision and the principle that’s so important to you. The Moon’s link to Neptune indicates that a rare opportunit­y awaits. Be bold. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute forecast for good news: 0906 751 5607.


Have you set your goals too Oct 24 - Nov 22

high? Are you trying to do the impossible? It seems as if a recent disappoint­ment has caused you to question your expectatio­ns. Yet, there’s no need to settle for second best. Just because what you’re trying to do is challengin­g, doesn’t mean you should stop. It was never supposed to be easy – you knew that when you started out on this journey. Yet, the cosmic indication this week, is that you have the support you need and the right resources around you. You’ll soon see how far you’ve come. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute forecast for exciting news: 0906 751 5608.


How amazing are you? Nov 23 - Dec 21

More than you think! You think you’re amazing? You’re even more so than that! Sometimes, you think you’re not that amazing – and in a way, that’s a good thing. Because you can be even more amazing when you set your mind to it! I make no apologies if this reading is like a pep talk. With your ruler entering your sign, it’s time to shake any doubts away and remember your strengths. Don’t allow your confidence to be knocked by anything this week. Put your trust and faith in yourself. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute forecast for important news: 0906 751 5609.


Everyone makes mistakes. Dec 22 - Jan 20

But it’s the people who spend their time watching and judging others so that they can point out the errors they think they’re making, who are the most mistaken. Cosmic indicators suggest anyone who criticises you will walk a thin line this week. If you find yourself subject to disapprova­l, try to respond with calm confidence. Say something by all means, but say it with tact and directly to the person responsibl­e. It’s of much more value to be able to forgive and move on than to be right. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute forecast for good news: 0906 751 5610.


Imagine there’s a wide, empty Jan 21 - Feb 19

road before you, and you’ve been offered a fast car. The only thing missing is the fuel to power its vast engine – which you don’t have the cash to buy. How disappoint­ing not to be able to avail yourself of this opportunit­y to set off on such an exciting adventure. It’s ironic, because if you could find a way to set out, you’d find ways to pay for the fuel as you progressed on your journey. As your ruler changes signs this week, it energises your visions and aspiration­s. Material support isn’t far away. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute forecast for exciting news: 0906 751 5611.


Imagine you’re exploring unknown Feb 20 - Mar 20

territory. Suddenly, you realise you’ve got no idea where you are. You’ve arrived at a junction with signs indicating the way to different locations, but none of them relate to your destinatio­n. With no access to a map, are you going to have to retrace your steps? Although this frustratin­g example is likely to feel familiar this week, once you’ve made a choice you’ll soon see whether you’re on the right road. If you trust your intuition, you don’t need to worry about making decisions. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute forecast for important news: 0906 751 5612.

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