Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine


Venus moves into determined, ambitious Capricorn in November. Meanwhile, the cosmos encourages reliable alliances that will advance our causes. We’re well equipped to fight our corners, and enjoy the results..



It’s not easy to admit to being ignorant about something. We prefer it when we’re in control. Our opinions give us a sense of power, and our ideas boost our egos. Yet strong attitudes often create barriers between people. Over the coming month, if you replace your certainty with openness, say less and listen more, and admit to being uncertain and seek advice, you won’t be displaying weakness, you’ll be radiating real inner strength. Your honesty will bring confidence, as well as opportunit­ies to interact in exciting and positive ways. Welcome to November! Your powerful prediction is ready. For inspiring insight, call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS

When things aren’t quite working out in the way we want them to, we either have to change things so that they match our vision, or adjust our vision so that it matches our reality. In normal circumstan­ces, the latter is usually the easiest to achieve. But in the month to come, the celestial message indicates that you may be able to follow the first action. You can be the creator of significan­t change. Just because miracles don’t usually happen, that doesn’t mean they don’t ever occur. There’s a

Lunar Eclipse in your sign! To hear your hope-giving forecast, call 0906 751 5602.

APR 21 – MAY 21


Why do some people have to strive to reach their goals, while others find themselves in privileged positions? If they snap their fingers, what they want seems to fall into their laps. It’s possible that they’ve worked hard too… it’s just that their efforts are invisible to anyone observing. You’ve worked hard, and invested a lot of energy into a process that will succeed. Although things may not happen as speedily as you’d like, if you stay patient, and persist, you can be confident that everything’s moving in the right direction. November brings celestial creativity and real reasons for hope. To take full advantage, call 0906 751 5603.

MAY 22 – JUN 22

CANCER JUN 23 – JUL 23 You’re feeling more disposed to think things through thoroughly, and are recognisin­g the reality of other people’s different perspectiv­es. As you do this, you’ll become increasing­ly aware of hidden opportunit­ies; chances to make your life brighter and better. Make the commitment to explore these as fully as possible. You may need to talk yourself into a plan, but once you believe in it, you’ll find that other people jump on board and offer their support. The power you seek is already in your possession. It’s November! For news about how the month holds exciting opportunit­ies, call your latest forecast: 0906 751 5604.

LEO JUL 24 – AUG 23

We tend to believe that if things are going well, we should steel ourselves; that sooner or later they’re going to go downhill. And that if things are going badly, we should cheer up; that, in time, they’ll get better. It’s true that everything changes. It’s one of the laws of nature. If, in November, you want the pleasure to last and the stress to pass, you just need to reconsider the way you define success and failure. If you stand back and see your situation as it really is (rather than how you think it is), you can expect things to go very well. To hear valuable informatio­n about the changes you can make during the coming month, call 0906 751 5605.


Some people can be alone in a room and start an argument. Others choose to start one because they thrive on confrontat­ion – in which case, they probably often find themselves in an empty room! You’re drawn towards being with other people in November – it brings opportunit­ies to discover innovative ways to share ideas and work in pursuit of a common goal. With your ability to discern at its best, even opposing opinions provide fertile grounds for success. You can

use your strengths to make a real difference. A new month! An action-packed astrologic­al picture. A forecast that could transform your life! Call 0906 751 5606.


Human beings go up and down like yo-yos. Our energy levels oscillate, as do our emotions. We might be disappoint­ed with life one day, and feel optimistic the next. A challenge might be daunting in the morning, and easy in the afternoon. I’m not attempting to make light of your current concerns. I just want to remind you of the advantage of looking at them through a different lens. Valuable resources are coming your way. You’ll have the courage and determinat­ion you need. And you can apply them with success this month. For exciting news about the potential delights in store for you, call your forecast: 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO OCT 24 – NOV 22 What’s the point of reading your astrologic­al prediction? Do you really believe that everything is written in the stars? The mere idea is enough to make sceptical folk choke on their cornflakes.

‘There’s no proof’, they say... it’s just gobbledygo­ok’. Yet we’re all able to negotiate with our destiny. And if Icanshowyo­uasketchof­your future, you can choose which bits to colour in, or to draw over. November brings power into your life. You can use it to gain a real sense of liberation. All you have to do is have faith in yourself. Make your dreams come true! Call your four-minute, in-depth forecast: 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S NOV 23 – DEC 21 Are Sagittaria­ns famous for their love of freedom and their spontaneit­y? Or notorious for them? While many people admire your zest for life, some folk find your energy levels hard to deal with. Can’t you just, once in a while, sit on the sofa and let life come to you? No! Certainly not this month. Over the coming month, your ability to adapt to suit different situations, and people’s moods, will enable you to find ways to share your enthusiasm and carry others along. You have the power to charm even your harshest critics. Go for it! November is due to be amazing! For four minutes of news that could transform your life, pick up the phone! Call 0906 751 5609.


If, at any point in November,

you feel that the wind isn’t blowing you in the right direction, don’t be tempted to think that the cosmic forces aren’t on your side. They are. It’s just that it’s hard for them to help people who are 100 per cent certain that they’re doing things the right way. A moment of doubt is all the celestial helpers need to find a chink in your armour. With Venus (abundance and pleasure) moving into your sign, you’ve got more assistance than you know. You’ll find that even challenges can be turned into assets. Even if you don’t usually call your forecast, there’s great news in your latest prediction. Call 0906 751 5610.


JAN 21 – FEB 19 I’m often told I’m optimistic;

and it’s true that I prefer to share good news. I’m aware that you’re an astute and discerning Aquarian; if your forecast is full of platitudes, or tells you about a challenge without indicating how you’re supposed to rise to it, your suspicions are raised. So, I’ll be clear! Although you can make excellent progress with a plan or a project this month, there will be moments when you regret ever having started it. As long as you keep this in mind, and are willing to keep taking steps forwards, all will work out well. The Lunar Eclipse brings potential for positive change. Make November a month to remember. Call 0906 751 5611.


There are various options open to you if things aren’t going as well as you’d like this month. You can get anxious and worried, or you can smile and celebrate. Why would you choose the latter? Because, if you trust the cosmos, you know it has your best interests at heart. If you face an obstacle, it’s because a diversion will lead you down a path that’s beneficial; ultimately, you’ll end up in a better place. If you’re flexible and open to learning new things, you’ll find that you’re well on the way to winning what you truly want. To hear all about the exciting developmen­ts that are just around the corner, call your forecast: 0906 751 5612.

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