Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine



This was one of the first vegan recipes I created from scratch – for my friend who inspired me to eat a plant-based diet. We couldn’t find vegan custard slices anywhere, so I decided to make my own. As for the piña colada, nothing says summer more than one of those!

Makes 8 For the rough puff pastry

300g plain flour

A pinch of salt

50g vegan butter, cubed and chilled 8-9tbsp ice-cold water

120g vegan butter, frozen

For the pineapple jam

1 x 227g tin of pineapple in light syrup 225g jam sugar

Juice of 1 lemon

For the custard

300ml soya milk

4tbsp cornflour

6tbsp thick coconut milk (from the top of the tin)

100g caster sugar

1tbsp vanilla extract

For the icing

175g icing sugar

Yellow food-colouring gel

MAKE THE PASTRY Mix the flour and salt in a bowl. Rub in the chilled cubes of vegan butter until the mixture resembles breadcrumb­s. Gradually add enough ice-cold water to form a dough. Lightly flour the work surface and roll out the dough into a rectangle, about 45 x 15cm, with one of the short ends nearest you. Grate half the frozen vegan butter over the bottom twothirds of the dough. Fold down the top third and fold up the bottom third as if folding a letter. Turn the folded dough 90 degrees and roll it out into a rectangle, again measuring about 45 x 15cm. Grate the remaining frozen butter over the bottom two-thirds and fold as before. Wrap the dough in clingfilm and leave to rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Repeat the rolling and folding process (without using more vegan butter) twice more, chilling the pastry for 30 minutes between each roll and fold.

MAKE THE JAM While the pastry is chilling, place a saucer in the freezer (for testing the jam). Drain the pineapple through a sieve over a pan to catch the syrup. Finely chop the pineapple and add it to the pan. Add the sugar and lemon juice and, using a wooden spoon, stir over a low heat until the sugar has dissolved. Increase the heat to medium and bring to the boil. Cook, stirring, for 5-6 minutes, until it reaches 105°C on a sugar thermomete­r. Remove the pan from the heat. To test if the jam is ready, remove the saucer from the freezer and spoon on a little jam. Leave it for 1 minute, then push with your finger – if the jam wrinkles, it has reached setting point. If not, boil for a further 1-2 minutes and test again. Leave the jam to cool. (This will make more than you need. Store any leftover jam in sterilised jars in the fridge for up to 1 month and use for toast, buns or scones.) Heat the oven to 200°C/fan 180°C/gas 6.

BAKE THE PASTRY Cut the pastry in half and roll each piece to a 20cm square. Trim the squares, discarding any leftovers, and place on the lined baking sheets. Bake for 10-15 minutes, until golden brown. Remove the sheets from the oven and if they have risen a bit, press them gently to flatten, then set aside to cool on the baking sheets while you make the custard.

Pour the soya milk into a pan and add the cornflour. Using a wooden spoon, beat until smooth. Add the coconut milk, caster sugar and vanilla. Place over a medium heat and stir for 3-4 minutes, until the mixture is thick. Remove from the heat, pour into a bowl and cover the surface with clingfilm to prevent a skin forming. Leave to cool for 15 minutes, then chill for 15 minutes, until starting to set.

ASSEMBLE THE LAYERS Place one pastry sheet in the bottom of the foil-lined cake tin, reserving the best piece for the top. Spread 3tbsp jam over the pastry in an even layer. Spread a thick layer of cooled custard evenly over. Top with the second piece of pastry and chill for at least 30 minutes, until set.


To make the icing, sift the icing sugar into a bowl and stir in 2-3tsp water to give a thick, smooth pouring consistenc­y. Place 2tbsp icing into a bowl and add enough drops of yellow colouring to give your desired shade. Spoon into the small piping bag and snip the end. Spread the icing over the top of the chilled custard slice. Pipe lines of yellow icing over the top. Drag the cocktail stick through the yellow lines in alternate directions to create a feather pattern. Set at room temperatur­e for 30 minutes.

Using the foil overhang, carefully remove the custard slice from the tin and then peel away the foil. Cut into 8 equal pieces (each measuring 5 x 10cm). Chill before serving.

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