Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine



As a child, I remember vividly waiting for the next celebratio­n just so that I could dive into a substantia­l slice of light sponge generously smothered in cream! My chocolate and hazelnut cake is a perfect treat for an autumn birthday. I recommend that the grown-ups enjoy it with a glass of chilled prosecco valdobbiad­ene alongside, to cut through the sweetness.

Serves 16

For the sponge

6 eggs

190g caster sugar

1½tsp vanilla paste

Finely grated zest of 1 unwaxed lemon

95g plain flour

95g potato starch (or additional plain flour)

For the hazelnut paste

200g ready-roasted hazelnuts, chopped

For the crème pâtissière

500ml whole milk

1tsp vanilla paste

6 egg yolks

120g caster sugar

50g cornflour

A pinch of salt

50g unsalted butter

50g 54% cocoa dark chocolate, finely chopped 100g ready-roasted hazelnuts, chopped

For the vanilla syrup

50g caster sugar

1cm length of unwaxed lemon peel 1tsp vanilla paste

For the Chantilly cream

250ml double cream

40g icing sugar, sifted ½tsp vanilla paste

To decorate

A small handful of whole ready-roasted hazelnuts

MAKE THE SPONGE Heat the oven to 180°C/fan 160°C/gas 4. Put the eggs, sugar, vanilla and lemon zest in a large bowl set over a pan of barely simmering water. Whisk with an electric hand whisk on high speed for 10 minutes, until thick and mousselike, and it leaves a ribbon trail when you lift the whisk (or whisk in a stand mixer on high for 6-7 minutes).

Sift the flour and potato starch (or additional plain flour) into a bowl. Carefully fold half the flour mixture into the egg mixture with a metal spoon. Repeat with the remaining flour mixture. Pour the sponge mix into the lined tin and spread it level.

Bake on the middle shelf for 20-25 minutes, until well risen and the top of the cake springs back when pressed with a fingertip. Leave to cool in the tin for a few minutes, then turn it out onto a wire rack to cool completely.


While the sponge is cooling, blitz the hazelnuts to a paste in a food processor. Set aside until needed. (This will make more paste than you need – the remainder will keep in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 1 month. It’s delicious on toast!)


Pour the milk into a pan and add the vanilla. Slowly bring to the boil, then remove the pan from the heat and set aside. Whisk the egg yolks and caster sugar in a heatproof mixing bowl until pale, then whisk in the cornflour. Whisking continuous­ly, pour in the hot milk in a thin, steady stream.

Return the mixture to the pan and place it over a medium heat. Bring the mixture to the boil, whisking, and cook for 1 minute, until smooth and thick. Add the salt, butter and chocolate and stir until smooth. Pour into a bowl and cover the surface with clingfilm to prevent a skin forming. Leave it to cool, then stir in 3tbsp hazelnut paste and chill until needed.


Place the sugar in a small pan with the lemon peel, vanilla and 100ml water. Bring the mixture to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 2 minutes, until syrupy. Remove the pan from the heat and leave the syrup to cool. Discard the lemon peel.

ASSEMBLE THE LAYERS Using a large serrated knife, cut the sponge horizontal­ly into three layers. Place the first layer onto a cake plate and drizzle with half the syrup. Spread with one-third of the hazelnut crème pâtissière and sprinkle with half the chopped hazelnuts. Cover with the second layer of sponge and repeat. Top with the third layer.

COVER AND DECORATE To make the Chantilly cream, whisk the double

cream, icing sugar and vanilla in a mixing bowl to firm peaks, then whisk in the final third of the hazelnut crème pâtissière. Spread half evenly over the top and side of the cake with a palette knife. Spoon the remaining Chantilly cream into the large piping bag fitted with a large closed star nozzle and pipe it around the bottom and top edges of the cake. Finish with a ring of hazelnuts, just inside the piped top edge.

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