Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

MAR 21 – APR 20



You’re not usually lost for words. Nor are you someone who often feels vulnerable. Since you’re resourcefu­l by nature, you always find someone or something to support you. That’s the situation you find yourself in this week, too. Although you’re facing various possibilit­ies, you’re not especially keen on any of them because they all seem to involve someone having power over you. The Equinox brings a jolt of energy and authority that enables you to exert your influence and put you back into your ‘happy place’. The Equinox brings potential for powerful and positive change! There’s great news in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5601.


How on earth did you manage to arrive in your current circumstan­ces? It’s worth assessing your progress before you make any decisions this Equinox week as there’s an important lesson to learn. Don’t panic! You haven’t made a poor choice. You didn’t act recklessly either. You followed your intuition and, if you’re starting to doubt yourself, you need to stop. An important part of your story is still unfolding. If you take the time to reflect on your journey so far, you’ll see that you’ve done much better than you think. Have faith! It’s the Equinox! Let it guide you to the future you’re silently, secretly longing for. Call 0906 751 5602.


The more we discover, the more we realise how much more there is to discover. Some people are so discourage­d by this that they’re unwilling to make even a small discovery for fear of what else they might be obliged to uncover. And sometimes, even quick-thinking Geminis need to take time off. Although limitless mineshafts filled with informatio­n sound exciting, constantly chipping away at the coalface of discovery is hard work. This Equinox week, don’t be afraid of what you uncover. It will work wonders for you! How will the Equinox transform your life? There’s inspiring news in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5603.

This week, as the Equinox signals the start of the astrologic­al New Year, a page is turning. Mercury links to Jupiter and Neptune, encouragin­g bigger dreams and higher hopes. The future will have a happier tale to tell.


Sometimes, it’s obvious that we’re going to come out victorious. But there are some battles that we can’t win. With experience and wisdom, we learn to recognise the second sort and steer well clear. When we’re even more experience­d and even more wise, we learn about another kind of battle – the sort we ‘could’ win, but realise that the gains we’ll make won’t make us happier. Sometimes, it’s better not to raise your head above the parapet. This Equinox week, you can be a force for peace and lessen a source of tension.

The cosmic climate is looking promising – take full advantage! For your four-minute forecast, call 0906 751 5604. LEO JUL 24 – AUG 23

No matter how well we think we know people, there’s always a chance they’ll surprise us. We all change, adapt and adjust. We can all have outbursts where we suddenly release the stresses and strains we’ve been bottling up. That’s why we need to be as considerat­e of one another as we can be. And since we’re all capable of exhibiting odd, irrational behaviour, if we’re wise, we learn to be careful about the judgments we make and the opinions we form. Be at your most empathetic this Equinox week. You’ll enable someone to flourish. Use the power of the Equinox to change your life. For the key to the future of your dreams, call 0906 751 5605.


For all our complexity and cleverness, all we ever want is some love, kindness, support and laughter. Yet we overcompli­cate things by creating complex ideas about what we’ll accept and what we won’t – no wonder we find it hard to feel fulfilled! This Equinox week, don’t make the mistake of clinging to a precise notion of what you need (and what isn’t necessary), what you want to happen (and what you don’t), and who you think can help (and who can’t). You’ll find new ways to be happy if you open your mind to new possibilit­ies. The Equinox can change your life for the better. There’s valuable news when you call 0906 751 5606.


When we have a plan, and things start to go pearshaped, we tend to go through the same processes. We identify the problem, moan about our lack of luck, then try to find a way to fix things so that we’re back on track. Somewhere in that sequence, there’s a moment when we feel irritated that things aren’t going the way we want. But if we allow our irritation to affect our judgment, we risk being less creative than we could be. This week, the Equinox brings a boost of enthusiasm. If you think positively, positive things will happen. To maximise the energy around you and transform your world, call 0906 751 5607.

SEP 24 – OCT 23 SCORPIO OCT 24 – NOV 22

If you want this Equinox week to be good, it can be. That’s what you want, right? Although you might logically think that’s what you want, the human mind is complex – it operates in strange ways. Psychiatri­sts have yet to figure out why we seem to invite negative moods or challengin­g experience­s into our lives. It’s as if on some level, we don’t think we deserve to be doing well and having fun. Could that be what’s happening in your world? You can replace a negative mindset with a much more optimistic approach. This is an exceptiona­l week. The Equinox brings potential for renewal and change. Find out more. Call 0906 751 5608.


When we think about things that move fast, we think about rocket launches, high-speed jets and the speed of light. Yet, speedier still, is the speed of our thoughts. Within a microsecon­d, we can imagine ourselves landing on Mars and looking back at planet Earth. This Equinox week, you’re being encouraged to think creatively – and fast. There are issues to deal with, problems to solve and changes to instigate. The good news is that you’re being provided with the resources needed to be able to handle everything that comes your way. Give yourself the best Equinox present ever: four minutes of priceless insight and support. Call 0906 751 5609.

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