Daily Mail

Couple who spent £40,000 on IVF ... then conceived naturally on their wedding night!

- Daily Mail Reporter

A WOMAN who was told she had only a 1 per cent chance of conceiving with IVF became pregnant naturally – on her wedding night

Nicola Medina and her partner spent more than £40,000 over three years on fertility treatment but each time it failed.

When the 30-year-old learned that there was only a tiny chance of a successful pregnancy with IVF she all but accepted she would never have a child of her own.

Now, however, she is celebratin­g the news that she’s beaten the odds and is expecting a baby girl in May.

Her husband, Karl, 40, said: ‘I would’ve married her seven years before if I’d known this was going to happen.’

Mrs Medina said: ‘It’s a miracle. When we found out the dates, for us to conceive on the wedding night is amazing.’

The couple, who have been together since 2005, had three cycles of unsuccessf­ul IVF in 2009 after trying for a baby for several years.

Mr Medina’s two children from a previous marriage meant that the couple were not eligible for NHS funding, so they had to pay for the treatment themselves. Mrs Medina said: ‘The conclusion of my consultant was I had failed ovarian function and had a less than 1 per cent chance of getting pregnant naturally or with IVF.’

Tests revealed she had gynaecolog­ical problems, for which she had surgery.

A fourth and fifth cycle of IVF also failed and left Mrs Medina depressed at the thought of having to use IVF donor eggs.

On August 11, 2012, the couple, from Leeds, tied the knot and a few weeks later Nicola learned, during an appointmen­t with her GP on an unrelated matter, she was pregnant.

When she rang her husband, who runs a renovation firm, he burst into tears in front of one of his customers. ‘I just wanted to scream and shout,’ he said.

 ??  ?? ‘It’s a miracle’: Nicola Medina and husband Karl
‘It’s a miracle’: Nicola Medina and husband Karl

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