Daily Mail

Hopes for a happier 2013

- By RUTH SUNDERLAND Associate City Editor

APPROACHIN­G the New year with the world’s largest economy, the Us, staring over a budgetary abyss and nursing a $16.4trillion debt hangover is not an ideal beginning to 2013, despite warm words from president Obama.

the single currency has managed to survive the past 12 months with all its 17 participan­ts still on board, if only by the skin of its teeth.

Given this broader background, it is not surprising that the forecasts for the UK economy are subdued at best; this will be another difficult year for many.

still, this is the time of year to look forward with as much optimism as can be mustered, so here are my biggest hopes for the coming year.


Keeping a lid on inflation. the Bank of england’s 2pc target is a misty memory, and inflation is taking a toll on living standards and savings incomes. We must hope that mark carney, the incoming governor of the Bank of england, is as good as is claimed and that his floating the idea of a growth target does not signal he might go soft on inflation.


No more Qe. the Bank of england’s moneyprint­ing programme now stands at £375bn, but each fresh bout seems to have less effect – other than swelling pension fund deficits. Whilst on the subject of pensioners and savers, let’s hope George Osborne does more to encourage thrift in his next budget.


a focus on the young. National Insurance concession­s for employers taking on under-25s would help tackle youth unemployme­nt. so would a relentless drive to improve education and skills.


Learning from the shareholde­r spring. Investors showed in 2012 they are not prepared to stay silent in the face of high rewards and low performanc­e. this should be the year companies start awarding top pay fairly.


a proper bank clean-up. the year of shame we have just witnessed should prove that ethical overhauls and ring-fences are not enough to make our banks safe. We need a full separation of the casino element from utility banking to achieve that.


Reality dawns in the eurozone. the single currency project has no economic logic and the forces pulling it apart are likely to grow stronger, no matter what its politician­s say or do. I hope angela merkel is re-elected, that silvio Berlusconi is not, and that political leaders start to think honestly about a planned exit for troubled countries such as Greece.

Fat chance of any of it happening, I hear some readers say – but here’s hoping. I wish you all a happy and prosperous New year.

Mortgage injection

pLeNty of homebuyers are already following my main piece of financial counsel for 2013: use any spare cash to pay your mortgage. the latest Bank of england figures show a net £8bn injection of equity, taking the cumulative total to £137.5bn since mid-2008.

the Bank itself seems to think this is due to the lack of activity in the property market, rather than households consciousl­y deciding to accelerate their mortgage repayments, but this is counter-intuitive.

people are not stupid. With serious worries clouding the outlook for the economy, they know it makes sense to reduce debt. they also know that taking advantage of low interest rates to whittle down a mortgage is a pretty attractive alternativ­e to savings products with negative real returns.

as a strategy, it is simple, but has much to recommend it, since it is risk- free and tax-efficient.

sorting out the household balance sheet at a time like this makes perfect sense for those who can afford it.

Bank shares

FOR a bunch of scandal-ridden incompeten­ts which have indulged in money-laundering, mis-selling, rate-fiddling and reckless lending, Britain’s banks have had a good year on the stock market.

shares in Barclays, Lloyds, RBs and hsBc have all risen strongly. It is perhaps superfluou­s to point out that the banks cannot themselves claim much credit for this.

they have benefited from external factors, in particular the promise in the summer by european central Bank president mario Draghi to ‘do whatever it takes’ to save the euro.

the UK government’s Funding for Lending scheme has also been a boost.

On a five year view, though, bank shares look abysmal, and they may well be over-valued now since they are still likely to have to raise new capital, and the tide of disgrace over Libor and other malfeasanc­e is not over.

It is far too early for bank chiefs to be popping any New year champagne corks.

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