Daily Mail



LIKE a good pasty, there is something deeply satisfying about the rise and rise of Newcastle baker Greggs, writesJame­sSalmon.

The man driving this success for more than four years at the helm has been Ken McMeikan, above.

Not only has he successful­ly steered the firm through the credit crunch – with shares up 25pc since he joined as boss in August 2008 - he also forced the Government into a humiliatin­g U-turn on its infamous ‘pasty tax’.

This is the 20pc VAT the Chancellor decided in his March Budget on savouries such as sausage rolls, Cornish pasties and steak bakes that are sold warm.

Within days of McMeikan lashing out at the Government, the issue was dominating the news: 300,000 people had signed a parliament­ary petition and MPs were queueing up to have their pictures taken in Greggs’ shops.

The victorious campaign was a huge publicity coup for Greggs, but it also secured many jobs in the industry.

It could be argued that McKeikan’s decision to desert his post at a difficult time for the firm is a bit less than heroic – he’s joining private equity-owned food and drinks producer Brakes Group. But few would begrudge McMeikan a happy new year in the role. YOU know you’ve had a bad year when you trounce disgraced former Barclays boss Bob Diamond to become the year’s biggest corporate culprit.

But that’s what happens when you muck around with the London Olympics.

Nick Buckles, below, chief executive of the world’s biggest security firm G4S, was the clear winner of the ‘zero’ of the year, claiming the wooden spoon no fewer than seven times in these pages.

G4S signed a £284m contract to provide 10,400 Games security guards, but just 16 days before the opening ceremony it admitted it had only fulfilled 83pc of contracted shifts and could not deliver. The army was then drafted in.

Buckles’ behaviour since has arguably proved even more unforgivab­le. In an excruciati­ng appearance in front of MPs in July, he insisted that his firm was entitled to a £57m management fee despite admitting the Olympics security contract was a ‘humiliatin­g shambles’.

He has clung onto his job while others have carried the can.

Two of his deputies – the UK boss David Taylor-Smith and events chief Ian Horseman Sewell - fell on their swords.

Although they have bounced back, G4S shares are still down 13pc since news of the blunder emerged in July. The firm lost £50m on the Olympics contract and was stripped of a contract to run Wolds prison in East Yorkshire last month.

There remain serious worries about the damage done to the credibilit­y of G4S and the impact that this may have on winning deals in future.

Shareholde­rs will be glad to put 2012 behind them.

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