Daily Mail


TODAY, I shall resist the temptation to rant about the civil calendar, the real rhythm of the solar system and the ridiculous ways in which the two conflict. Let us, instead, give the benefit of the doubt to the convention­al view. Let’s agree that this re


ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 DO YOU feel you have recently been living in someone else’s shadow? This has kept you from the unwelcome glare of a harsh light — so it has had its advantages. But now it is putting you in too much shade. Do you have to begin 2013 by moving away from the individual who has been so dominant? This may seem the easiest way to regain your identity, but there is a less stressful alternativ­e. Just resolve to be more confident, to stand taller and prouder and to shine with your own light. Happy New Year? Want to know what 2013 really has in store for you? There’s great news in your year-ahead prediction. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21 WE DEFINE our sense of identity in lots of ways. By where we come from, what we do for a living, where we were brought up, who our friends are, which era we belong to, and by the family we were born into. Sometimes we forget that, as individual­s, we are more than all this and that we have the freedom to disassocia­te ourselves from any connection of which we are not proud. The most important New Year resolution you can make, is to look at who you really are . . . and be more true to yourself. Happy New Year? Want to know what 2013 really has in store for you? There’s great news in your year-ahead prediction. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI YOUR heart is May 22—June 22 beating. Breath enters your body. You are alive. This is a miracle. What else matters? Life is a gift. Whether it lasts five minutes or a hundred years, it deserves to be celebrated. While we are alive, we encounter many things to make us feel glad and many more to make us wonder if any of it is worth the effort. Before you now are examples of both. Which do you want to focus on? And which are to be avoided? Neptune and Uranus help you start 2013 with the right priorities. Happy New Year? Want to know what 2013 really has in store for you? There’s great news in your year-ahead prediction. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER May 22—June 22 WE CANNOT resist flattery. We like it better, of course, if it is indisputab­ly genuine. But if the words and sentiments sound sweet enough, we are willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. That’s human nature. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. As children, we thrive on praise and that never really goes away. As you now enter a brand-new year, you may need to stop and think about who is offering you encouragem­ent and what their motives truly are. Think too, about whether you should speak more kindly to others. Happy New Year? Want to know what 2013 really has in store for you? There’s great news in your yearahead prediction. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23 A LITTLE worry is like a little salt. Or pepper. It adds piquancy to life. Depth of flavour even. If you’ve got too much of it, though, it’s another story. Worry overwhelms all other emotions. It destroys all else. At best it causes passing pain. At worst, it does long-term damage. Yet it is all quite unnecessar­y. You are entering 2013, with a ‘little worry’. It won’t be hard to turn it into a big one. There is, though, really no reason to let that happen. Be concerned by all means. But don’t be pessimisti­c or fearful. Happy New Year? Want to know what 2013 really has in store for you? There’s great news in your year-ahead prediction. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 THIS is going to sound odd, coming from me . . . but are you sure you really want to know what the future holds? I’m not suggesting it contains anything you won’t like — or won’t easily cope with — but might it spoil the surprise? Or could it be that, right now, you have an idea about how things need to alter based on what you currently understand? Once a few factors change, though, some very different needs will arise. You don’t yet know what they are, but they will be met. Trust and don’t worry. Happy New Year? Want to know what 2013 really has in store for you? There’s great news in your year-ahead prediction. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23 THE trouble with prediction is we can always see more than one type of tomorrow. We can envisage a fearful scenario based on anxiety or a cheerful one based on hope. We then work to make one of these dreams come true, which is fine if it’s a bright vision! On top of those ‘emotional projection­s’, there’s an objective view, though few folk ever trust this. You’re encounteri­ng signs that seem to confirm an old expectatio­n of what’s about to come. If that’s making you nervous, don’t let it! Happy New Year? Want to know what 2013 really has in store for you? There’s great news in your yearahead prediction. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22 THE camel is carrying an awful lot of straw. It is hard to imagine how another piece could make any difference. Bring it on, load it up. That camel is coping. There’s still room for more around the front of the hump. Whoops! What was that cracking sound? Let’s not start 2013 with the wrong attitude. Let’s not carry forward the bad habits of the past. This year, you need to make a very special resolution. Somehow, you must teach yourself to recognise when enough, is enough — before it becomes too much. Happy New Year? Want to know what 2013 really has in store for you? There’s great news in your year-ahead prediction. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21 IT’S A brandnew year and the goal posts are moving... again! Your carefully laid plan for getting that ball across the field is no longer so relevant. You have not wasted the effort expended developing this idea. A great deal of what you have learned will prove very useful. But you need to stop and reappraise the situation you face. There’s a new, important and ultimately most inspiring factor to consider. You are far more powerful and influentia­l than you realise. Happy New Year? Want to know what 2013 really has in store for you? There’s great news in your year-ahead prediction. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20 THE Earth spins merrily in space in spite of what we do, not because of it. For all our science and philosophy, we can’t do much more than theorise about why we’re here or what we’re supposed to be doing. This doesn’t stop an awful lot of people making an awful lot of arrogant assumption­s, but it needn’t be a reason to follow suit. Just be humble, small and grateful. The universe loves you more than (and regardless of what) you think. That will all become clear surprising­ly early in this New Year. Happy New Year? Want to know what 2013 really has in store for you? There’s great news in your year-ahead prediction. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19 ARE there guardian angels, watching our every move? Or do cackling demons hover over our shoulders, gleefully awaiting their opportunit­y to push us ever further towards trouble and disappoint­ment? Though you have yet to encounter any evidence, you suspect that you have more ethereal enemies than heavenly friends. Soon, though, you may have good cause to reconsider. Just as 2013 gets under way, an invisible helping hand is about to deliver a timely gift. Happy New Year? Want to know what 2013 really has in store for you? There’s great news in your year-ahead prediction. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20 LET us assume that you want to go somewhere far away. You have no vehicle. You can only set off walking and hope that somehow, sooner or later, you’ll get a ride. You have to make a gesture of intention, faith and determinat­ion and then see what it leads to. The alternativ­e is to stay at home and decide that, as the journey is impossible, the destinatio­n can never be reached. With this, there’s no gamble. You can be quite sure nothing will change. So which is it to be as you set out bravely into 2013? You have to try. Happy New Year? Want to know what 2013 really has in store for you? There’s great news in your year-ahead prediction. Call 0906 751 5612.

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