Daily Mail

Insolvency shake-up

MPs call for change in law after City Link collapse

- By Rupert Steiner

POLITICIAN­S probing the collapse of City Link have called for changes in insolvency laws after it emerged it is cheaper for firms to ‘break the law’ and pay a fine than to comply with legal requiremen­ts to consult staff. MPs said firms were motivated to ‘ignore the statutory redundancy consultati­on period, if the fine for doing so is less than the cost of continuing to trade, especially since this fine will anyway be paid by the taxpayer’.

The Redundancy Payments Service can fine firms up to £5,000 if they fail to register a consultati­on, but the financial benefit to firms of trading on regardless can be significan­tly higher than this fine.

‘It is clearly in the financial interest of a company to break the law,’ concluded MPs on the combined Scottish Affairs and Business, Innovation and Skills Committees, which yesterday published their investigat­ion into the failure of City Link.

With many workers hearing about the impending collapse on Christmas Day, 2,586 eventually lost their jobs, When a company intends to make more than 100 staff redundant there is a statutory period for consultati­on of 45 days. This did not happen in the case of City Link, owned by Better Capital and run by private equity tycoon Jon Moulton.

Ian Davidson MP, chairman of the committees, said: ‘Employees were denied a reasonable notice period in which to seek alternativ­e employment. The system provides perverse incentives to withhold informatio­n or to skip proper consultati­on processes in contravent­ion of the law and at a high cost to workers struggling to cope with the loss of their livelihood­s.’

Moulton, who bought the troubled firm for £1 in 2013, insisted he had tried to save the company but failed. City Link faced fierce competitio­n from bigger rivals DHL and Fedex and the business he inherited was in a bad state.

He said he personally lost £2m and his firm £20m. In January Moulton was questioned over whether his word was ‘worthless’ by the MPs at a select committee hearing. According to a note in the City Link accounts, Better Capital appeared to have pledged to back the firm financiall­y for 12 months.

But it turned out that this was not a backstop for the company.

Moulton said it was an ‘intention’ not an ‘undertakin­g’ to support the firm. In its report the committee recommende­d the Government should review the requiremen­ts for consultati­on on redundanci­es so that employees understand what they can expect and company directors have a clear understand­ing of their responsibi­lity to employees.

It said: ‘The processes for company insolvency do not offer sufficient protection to workers, suppliers and contractor­s and the balance should be shifted’.

The politician­s called for workers to be given better rights under the Insolvency Act 1986 regardless of whether or not they are directly employed or contractor­s.

Davidson said: ‘We are dismayed that, although it was clear for some time that there were serious questions over the ability of City Link to continue trading after December 2014, small businesses and selfemploy­ed drivers were encouraged to take on additional costs.

‘Contractor­s feel they were deliberate­ly deceived as to the true state of the business. City Link and Better Capital are morally, if not legally, responsibl­e for the difficulti­es that many of these individual­s and small business now find themselves in.’

Workers can take the firm to an employment tribunal which if successful can make a ‘protective award’ of up to 90 days pay for each employee that was not consulted.

But since the businesses is no longer trading, Davidson says this either comes out of whatever funds are left, or from the taxpayer.

Moulton said Better Capital only continued to trade so that parcels could be delivered in time for Christmas and that the firm had no financial benefit from continuing to trade.

‘Better Capital does not accept that it, as a secured creditor, should have done any more than it did,’ he said. ‘Better Capital could have recovered much more of its investment by precipitat­ing an earlier insolvency, but we did not do so to allow every possible solution to be considered.’

Whatever the reality the fallout from City Link has placed the spotlight on insolvenci­es and has prompted the Government to conduct a review.

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