Daily Mail

Children arrested over hundreds of wildfires

- By Ben Wilkinson

A BOY of 11 is among children arrested over a spate of fires across Welsh countrysid­e which have cost £500,000 to fight.

Five children were questioned by police after 623 fires ravaged 600 acres of fields and woodland this month alone.

Fire crews in South Wales say they have been stretched to breaking point by the ‘ unpreceden­ted’ scale of destructio­n, which is mainly being blamed on gangs of youngsters.

Officers yesterday called on parents to report their children if they suspect them of lighting fires.

Deputy Chief Constable Matt Jukes, of South Wales Police, said: ‘It is only a matter of time before somebody gets seriously injured or even killed.

‘What is most concerning is that we believe that many of these grass fires are being caused by children. This must be addressed and everybody can do their bit.’

From Friday morning to Monday evening, emergency services took more than 1,600 calls for grass fires.

Gordon Shumack, of Crimestopp­ers Wales, said: ‘The valleys are turning black again as a result of these fires being deliberate­ly started.’

The cost of fighting the blazes, which devastated wildlife, has risen close to £500,000 since the month began.

Fire chief Stephen rossiter said: ‘The natural terrain of mountains is very dangerous underfoot, and more so when we are fighting grass fires – even for our best-trained people.’

The arrested 11-year-old was given ‘stern’ advice by police. Four suspects aged 12 to 14 were released on bail.

Meanwhile a blaze which ravaged the Pirbright Army ranges in Surrey was yesterday still smoulderin­g nearly a week after it began.

Conservati­on experts say that the area could take ten years to recover. A man, 33, has been arrested and released on bail over the fire.

 ??  ?? Deliberate: A blaze rages at Clydach Vale in South Wales
Deliberate: A blaze rages at Clydach Vale in South Wales

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