Daily Mail



THE list of complicati­ons linked to poorly controlled diabetes make for alarming reading.

The damage is thought to be caused by AGEs, formed when glucose (sugar) attaches to proteins in the blood vessels, causing them to swell or leak. AGEs also create a sticky glaze, which can interfere with how the blood vessels behave. This leads to a range of problems:

EYES: Damage to small blood vessels leads to (fragile) new ones forming on the retina, the part of the eye that sends signals to the optic nerve. These can leak or burst (diabetic retinopath­y), causing vision loss, even blindness.

HEART: People with diabetes are at up to a five times greater risk of dying from heart disease. This is linked to damage to the blood vessels but also because diabetes leads to raised cholestero­l and high blood pressure.

KIDNEYS: Blood vessel damage affects kidney function, leading to a build-up of fluid and toxins — and kidney damage. Diabetes is the main reason people in the UK have dialysis.

SEX LIFE: Blood flow to the penis is affected, causing erectile dysfunctio­n. In women, poor blood flow can cause vaginal dryness. Both sexes can experience low libido.

FEET: Damage to the nerves and blood vessels can cause poor circulatio­n, affecting healing and leading to ulcers. Every week, 100 people with diabetes undergo an amputation.

BRAIN: Diabetes is linked to an increased risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s — some experts refer to Alzheimer’s as ‘type 3 diabetes’. It’s thought that high sugar levels damage proteins in the brain.

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