Daily Mail

Blatter the despot

- by David Jones

GIVen that he is mired in the worst scandal ever to beset world football, one might have expected Fifa president Sepp Blatter to have left his latest fancy woman at home when he stepped into the spotlight yesterday.

However, though he speaks five languages fluently, this is a man who doesn’t know the meaning of the word decorum.

Casually adjusting his tie, and seemingly untroubled by the crisis unfolding around him, Blatter shamelessl­y took his seat at the 65th Fifa Congress with Linda Barras, 49 – who is 30 years his junior and married to a prominent Swiss estate agent – close by his side in an eye-catchingly short red frock.

According to the Swiss press, they are romantical­ly entwined; Mrs Barras’s husband Christian insists they are simply ‘close friends’.

Whatever the truth, they seemed utterly taken with one another, whispering conspirato­rially throughout the dreary proceeding­s.

Whether they will be together again today, when the seemingly untouchabl­e Blatter will almost certainly be re-elected for a fifth term as Fifa president, despite the enormously damaging corruption investigat­ion, remains to be seen.

There is little doubt Blatter – who once suggested women wear tighter kits to increase the popularity of the women’s game – will come out fighting in his bid to remain president, or that he will remind delegates of what he considers to be his many achievemen­ts.

He might remind them of his success in taking the World Cup to Africa for the first time – though whether his promise to ‘transform the lives’ of millions of impoverish­ed Africans was ever realised is another matter. He might boast of how he streamline­d football’s rules to encourage more attacking play.

Behind this supposedly glittering CV, however, there lies another, very different story – one that he will be slower to recount. A story that I unearthed when I travelled to Switzerlan­d to investigat­e a conundrum that has long puzzled football fans: namely, how ever did this smug little man rise to power?

Originatin­g in the small Alpine town of Visp – far from Zurich, where Blatter now lives in a sumptuous villa and holds court in Fifa’s huge complex of offices – it is an extraordin­ary tale of ruthless ambition, serial womanising and, of course, fabulous wealth and power.

Blatter was born there in 1936 and lived in a wooden hovel with his brothers, Peter and Marco, and late sister Ruth. The family was so poor they peddled fruit and vegetables from their allotment, but their father – who worked in a chemical factory – was determined his children would make something of themselves.

They studied hard and won places at university, but whilst the others were content with steady jobs in the backwoods, Sepp set his sights higher. According to the many former friends and colleagues I spoke to, he ‘loved being the centre of attention’.

In his teens he found recognitio­n as a wedding singer, of all things, and he would earn extra money at weekends by yodelling goat-herders’ ballads at local ceremonies.

By all accounts, he also performed a mean soft-shoe shuffle (a skill he has employed in escaping blame for a plethora of scrapes and scandals) and continued these one- man shows into his late twenties.

During university holidays, he did menial jobs in ski resorts, and Swiss journalist Bruno Affentrang­er, author of a revealing Blatter biography, believes the Fifa boss ‘modelled himself’ on a little-known US film star he met working as a waiter. His name was eddie Constantin­e, and he appeared in cheap, French-made

B-movies, invariably playing the same type of character – a louche, roving-eyed detective or private eye. A sort of lowgrade James Bond.

‘ Blatter told me he was deeply impressed by this actor – how he held his cigarettes, how he dressed … how he how would speak to women,’ the writer told me, suggesting the encounter had shaped his modus operandi ever after.

It certainly seems plausible. The first of many women to fall for this unlikely lothario was Liliane Biner, a sporty local girl. They married and had a daughter, Corinne – his only child, who still works in a bistro in Visp – but as his ambition gathered pace, he became tired of Liliane and developed a taste for younger women.

Ironically, given his illdisguis­ed loathing for reporters who probe his affairs, he had by then begun his serious working life – as a journalist.

He moved into PR and, surreally, also accepted the ‘presidency of a society whose sole aim was to lobby women to continue wearing stockings and suspenders instead of tights’.

Blatter then served as general secretary of the Swiss Ice Hockey Federation before becoming an executive at Swiss watchmaker Longines, which specialise­s in sports timing devices. This was during the mid-70s, when colour TV and glamorous star players were changing football from a popular but chronicall­y under-funded pastime to a potentiall­y lucrative business attracting endorsemen­ts and sponsorshi­p.

One of the dynamic tycoons eager to cash in was Horst Dassler, owner of sportswear firm Adidas. Having met Blatter on the sporting circuit, Dassler was evidently impressed and, looking for a placeman to lobby on his behalf at Fifa, he used his influence to get Blatter a job managing its coaching and referee training programme. Then in his late thirties, this was the break Blatter needed. With his slick marketing patter and enormous energy and dynamism ( qualities he still pos- sesses), he dazzled the blazerand-tie wearing old time-servers who administer­ed football, and blazed his trail to the top.

When Blatter arrived at Fifa, control of football’s governing body had passed from the upstanding English gentleman Sir Stanley Rous to Joao Havelange, later exposed for accepting bribes. But he elbowed the Brazilian aside, and in 1998 won the ultimate prize of the presidency.

THE election, in which he defeated Swedish candidate Lennart Johansson – who had ironically pledged to end corruption – was widely reported to have been tainted by backhander­s. But as always, Blatter was exonerated.

Having seized power, he set about creating Fifa as his fiefdom. Indeed, some have likened it to a mini- state. The rundown old Zurich villa that had served as its HQ for decades was knocked down, to be replaced by palatial offices overlookin­g the lake.

Blatter rewarded himself with a vast salary that would rise towards £2million a year, plus lavish expenses. He and his cronies swanned around the world like potentates, in jets and chauffeure­d limousines, staying in the finest available hotels, quaffing vintage champagne, and often surrounded by celebritie­s and glamorous girls.

No wonder so many Third World politician­s developed a sudden passion for football, and selflessly volunteere­d to join Fifa’s ranks.

When Blatter is whisked from country to glad-handing country, he invariably has his latest fancy woman in tow. As he climbed soccer’s greasy pole, he enraged Fifa’s former general secretary, Helmut Kaser, by wooing his daughter, Barbara, who was in her early 20s – almost half his age.

When she became Mrs Blatter number two, her father was not at the wedding and apparently wept on the day. Kaser’s humiliatio­n was complete a few years later, when his son-in-law took his job.

The marriage ended after ten years and Barbara died at 52 from surgery complicati­ons. However, Blatter enjoyed a string of other romances. Aged 59, though balding and podgy, he began a love match with Ilona Boguska, a shapely blonde Polish tennis player whom he challenged to a game.

The romance ended, for the first time, after seven years. In 2002 he took up with another young beauty, Graziella Bianca, an alternativ­e therapist who encourages stressed clients to swim with dolphins.

Blatter, I am told, never tried it. But she is said to have helped him cope with the stress of running Fifa. He took her as his third wife, though even he couldn’t persuade the Pope to grant him a special dispensati­on to have the marriage blessed in church.

They were together only a short time before he left Graziella. Heartbroke­n, he told friends they were divorced because he was ‘married to football’. Perhaps so, yet he found time in his hectic schedule for Ilona, to whom he promptly returned. They later split up again, but he is still said to see her when in Eastern Europe.

Blatter is now 79 and with chronic arthritis, so we might have thought the champagne and roses were over. But yesterday, with alluring Mrs Barras at his side, he seemed to be sending a message: that, scandal or no scandal, there is life in the old rogue yet.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Close: Sepp Blatter and Linda Barras yesterday
Close: Sepp Blatter and Linda Barras yesterday
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Wandering eye: With Brazilian model Fernanda Lima last year
Wandering eye: With Brazilian model Fernanda Lima last year
 ??  ?? Marriage: With third wife Graziella
Marriage: With third wife Graziella
 ??  ?? Romance: Blatter and Ilona Boguska
Romance: Blatter and Ilona Boguska

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